I held back
on using the term
"science fraud"
until the 50%
fake data level
was exceeded
this year !
The US is supposed to have the
best surface weather stations
in the world, yet a large majority
of numbers in the US average
temperature are fake numbers
-- estimates made by
computer models,
programmed by
smarmy bureaucrats
who want to see more
and more global warming,
in their temperature record.
The smarmy government
bureaucrat "scientists"
have turned
measured cooling
into reported warming.
The US public is led to believe
temperature charts they see
are based on thermometer data.
We are being deceived !
Almost all US warming
since 1990 is due to fake data
from computer models.
The fake data are about
two degrees warmer
than the measured
adjusted data.
The percentage of fake data
is up 500% in the past 30 years.
Chart 1 below,
since 1880:
The royal blue line
on the chart shows
the five year average
raw average annual
temperature at all
NOAA United States
Historical Climatology
Network Stations.
The red line shows numbers
NOAA reports to the public.
The combination
of fake and real data,
of fake and real data,
included in the red line,
shows warming
that does not exist
in the royal blue line
of only MEASURED
thermometer data:
Chart 1a below
shows the temperature
difference between
Chart 1's red line
Chart 1's red line
and blue line,
since 1880.
since 1880.
Chart 2 below,
since 1990:
since 1990:
The red line, from 1990
is the combination of
fake data and real data
that NOAA shows the public,
and the blue line, from 1990
is real data (actual measurements),
but after adjustments:
is the combination of
fake data and real data
that NOAA shows the public,
and the blue line, from 1990
is real data (actual measurements),
but after adjustments:
Chart 2a below
shows the temperature
difference between
Chart 2's red line
Chart 2's red line
and Chart 2's blue line,
since 1990:
since 1990:
Chart 2b below:
shows the percentage
of fake computer model estimates,
rather than measured thermometer data,
which keeps increasing,
spiking to 61%
in early 2019:
( to the right, on the chart ),
spiking to 61%
in early 2019:
( to the right, on the chart ),
Source: In their monthly temperature data,
NOAA marks estimated ( not measured )
temperatures with a capital “E.” :
Chart 2c below:
shows that when
plotted versus atmospheric CO2
growth, the "adjustments"
suspiciously match the
global warming theory,
that government bureaucrats
have predicted, and must believe in
to get, and keep, their jobs: