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Monday, May 6, 2019

This may be the only place you'll read these logical conclusions about climate science

"Recycled Article"
from October 2017.
Significantly expanded 
and reformatted.

This blog may be 
the only place 
you'll read that
adding CO2 
to the air
is good news, 
with no negative 
side effects
observed over 
the past 78 years.

You'll read that here, 
because the conclusion 
is based on data: 
 Observations of actual 
global warming in the past, 
never based on the usual
wild guess predictions
of the climate 100 years
in the future.

Actual global warming 
for the past 300 years,
measured at +3 degrees C.
in central England,
from the coldest year
in the 1690s, through 2018,
has made the climate
better and better, 
for humans and animals.

Actual global warming
in the past 78 years,
with lots of CO2 added
to the atmosphere from 
burning fossil fuels, 
was only +0.6 degrees C.,
from 1940 to the end of 2018,
using UAH satellite data after 1979.
( a warming rate equivalent to 
only +0.8 degrees per century. )

Totally harmless warming !

The actual warming was
mainly where, and when, 
warming was good news:
 Mainly in high (cold) latitudes,
in the coldest six months 
of the year, and mainly at night.

For example: 
Warmer winter nights in Alaska 
... which is good news
for people who live there !

And the planet is also 'greening',
from more CO2 in the air.

Only a fool would want the mild
beneficial global warming 
and planet 'greening' to stop !

Or a leftist !
( I repeat myself ) 

I know the future climate 
will be warmer, or cooler.
but not which one.

No one else knows
more than that,
no matter what 
they claim to "know",
stated with 
great confidence.

After a few decades
of global COOLING, 
in the 1940s, 1950s, 
1960s, and early 1970s,
as CO2 levels rose 
in all the decades,
some scientists 
predicted a coming 
global COOLING

After a few decades of
global WARMING 
from the mid-1970s 
through the 1990s,
as CO2 levels rose 
in every decade,
many scientists 
predicted a coming 
global WARMING

Then the 
global average 
barely changed 
from 1998 to 2018 !

For climate change,
that's like a coin flip,
where the coin lands
on its edge, 
and stays there !

It was very unusual 
to have no global average 
temperature change
from 1998 through 
the end of 2018.

The mainstream media 
thinks that's not news 
you need to hear !

Carbon dioxide (CO2) 
is the staff of life,
not a pollutant.

It's ranged from about 
7,000 parts per million 
to 200 ppm, 
in the atmosphere,
during the past 
4.5 billion years, 
according to geologists
( the current level 
is about 410 ppm. )

Changes in average
ocean temperatures, 
from natural causes, 
resulted in changes to 
atmospheric CO2 levels,
with multi-hundred year 
delays, according to 
studies of the past 
800,000 years, using 
Antarctica ice cores.

CO2 changes did not cause
temperature changes !

There's no proof in the 
historical temperature data, 
that CO2 levels EVER controlled
the global average temperature.

Climate change was not unusual
in 'the era of rapidly rising
fossil fuel burning', after 1940',

Simple laboratory experiments
don't prove what effect CO2 
actually has on the atmosphere.

Warming is an assumption.

Anything worse than mild warming
is a wild guess, ignoring the actual
mild warming in the past 78 years.

Our planet is getting 'greener', 
from adding man made CO2
to the air -- so doubling
today's 410 ppm CO2 level
would be more good news.
( ask any greenhouse owner 
about his CO2 enrichment systems, 
with a goal of at least 1,000 ppm
inside the greenhouses ).

And last, 
but not least:
stands for: 
Coherent !

My climate science
conclusions here 
are based on data,
not opinions. 

My climate science
conclusions are 
never based 
on personal beliefs 
that do not change, 
unproven theories, 
or wild guess 
predictions of the 
future climate

I don't care if the 
next climate change 
is one degree warmer,
or one degree cooler.

As a libertarian,
I don't support
Democrats or 
so I don't feel
any pressure 
to agree with 
their climate

The last Democrat
I voted for 
was in 1972
( George McGovern ),
and the ONLY 
I ever voted for
was in 1980
( Ronald Reagan ).

Climate change
relies mainly on the 
scientific ignorance 
of the general public, 
and great trust in 
Democrat politicians.

I have no idea why 
any intelligent person 
would trust Democrat 
( or Republican ) 
politicians, or the 
government bureaucrat
"scientists" they hire.

People have been hearing
'CO2 is Evil' propaganda 
in school for 30 years.

The CO2 is Evil
"religion" is based 
only on repeated, scary, 
wild guess predictions
of the future climate,
that have been wrong 
for over 60 years, so far !

I don't trust, or listen to, 
anyone who predicts 
the future climate, 
or any other coming  
environmental crisis.

Because history shows us
the predictions of doom 
have been 100% wrong !

Always confident predictions !

Always wrong predictions !

That's quite a batting average !

The wifey thinks 
I ought to regularly
tell you something 
about myself.

As usual, I disagree, 
because this blog
is not about me,
but I'll do as she 
simply because 
Happy Wife 
= Happy Life.

... We've dated 
since early 1978, 
married in 1983, 
and have only had 
one argument.

It started in 1983, 
and I expect it
to end in a few years.
  (heh heh) 

Richard Greene
since 1953

living in 
Bingham Farms, 
since 1987

BS, 1975
MBA, 1977

Editor of 
as a hobby, 
since 1977

Editor of 
three blogs

Retired from 
real work 
in January 2005

"Retired lazy bum" 
( wife's pet name )

Pet name for wife:
"Bellowing Bertha"
( I'm in BIG trouble 
when she reads this ! )

Have 2000+ CDs
-- Favorite Music Genre:  
Reggae from 1970s and 1980's

-- Favorite songs
( often discovered years after release ):
     -- The Heart Wants What It Wants
              by Selena Gomez
     -- Hallelujah 
               by k. d. lang  
     -- Arlington
              by Trace Adkins
    -- Your Man 
              by Josh Turner

Politics: Libertarian
Religion: Atheist
Favorite charity: Salvation Army
Favorite TV comedy: The Honeymooners
Favorite 'stage actors': The Three Stooges
Favorite philosopher: Yogi Berra

Looks like Sean Connery ( "007" )
( my input )
Looks like Rodney Dangerfield 
( wife's input )

Favorite insult:
" Up your nose, 
with a rubber hose ! "

Does not speak French