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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

We have 300 years of experience with mild, beneficial global warming -- only a fool would want it to stop !

The most important points 
about climate change, 
based on real science, 
that you'll never read 
in the mainstream media:

Humans have been adding
a lot of CO2 to the air
for your entire life, unless
you are over 78 years old !

The global average temperature
has had three different trends,
since 1940:
cooling from 1940 to 1975,
warming from 1975 to 1998, and
a flat trend from 1998 through 2018.

So does CO2 cause cooling,
warming, or a flat trend ?

We've had all three different 
trends as CO2 rose in every 

Climate science
is far from 
being settled.

We humans have 
a lot of experience 
living in, and 
climate change.

From 1940 through 2018,
there was mild warming
only 1/3 of the time.

But warming, from 1975
to 1998, exceeded the 
cooling, from 1940 
through 1975.

There wasn't enough warming, 
over the past 78 years, 
for anyone to notice 
without being prompted by
hysterical leftists crying wolf 
every year !

Climate change in 
our lifetimes has
always been 
good news.

In fact, global warming 
has been good news 
for over 300 years, 
since the 1690s
— central England 
temperatures are up 
about +3 degrees C., 
from the coldest year 
in the 1690s
— and everyone 
loved the warming !

Some people 
will want to ignore 
much of the past 
300 years of warming, 
because there was 
little man made 
CO2 being added 
to the atmosphere
before 1940.

So let's consider 
the global warming 
after 1940 -- that was 
good news too !

There was roughly
+0.6 degrees C. 
of global warming 
in 78 years.
( using UAH satellite data since 1979 ).

That's a harmless 
global warming rate, 
of about +0.8 degrees 

And there’s even 
more good news
— Our planet is greening 
from more CO2 in the air, 
for the same reason that
greenhouse owners use 
CO2 enrichment systems 
inside their greenhouses 
( I call that the "Real Greenhouse Effect" ).

A recent study suggests 
even more global greening 
than previously estimated.

My summary of that 
2019 science study, 
written a few days ago,
includes links to the study, 
and supporting studies,:

The actual warming 
since 1979 is most useful
to study because 
of higher data quality --
it was measured 
with weather satellites,
which provide 
near-global coverage, 
completely unlike surface 
temperature measurements
used by climate alarmists

Satellite measured warming
has been mainly in areas, 
and at times, that have been
BENEFICIAL for people 
living there ( mainly at high, 
cold latitudes, mainly in the 
coldest six months of the year, 
and mainly at night ! )

A single global average temperature 
obscures all that good news 
— that’s one reason it’s used !

One number does not fairly describe 
the climate of an entire planet
— especially because NO ONE 
actually lives in the average climate !

The global average temperature 
is not a temperature that can be 
measured — it's a statistic 
that could be calculated 
in hundreds of ways. 

And there's no way to determine
which global average temperature
compilation is best.

People live in local climates.

Local temperatures, 
that people work and live in, 
may be important, if they 
significantly change.

If people are ever hurt 
by climate change, 
it will be from changes 
in local temperatures, 
that affect their lives, 
which may not even 
be visible in the global 
average temperature.

Of course, no one 
even knows what a 
“normal” global average 
temperature is.

The concept of “normal” 
actually makes no sense, 
for a planet like Earth, 
that's not in thermodynamic 

Only a fool would observe 
past global warming, since the 
Little Ice Age’s Maunder Minimum 
period, coldest in the 1690s
based on central England 
temperatures, and then claim 
there's a climate “problem” now.

Anyone who believes past 
climate change has been 
a problem, is WRONG, 
and I challenge them 
to clearly explain
what real problems,
affected real people?
( not imaginary computer 
model “problems” ).

It is not impossible 
to predict 
the future climate: 

We can predict that the 
global average temperature 
will vary in the future. 

We can predict 
the current mild
Holocene Interglacial 
will end in the future.

Until that time, 
we can observe what 
has happened since 
we started adding
a lot of CO2 to the 
after 1940, 
and assume mild,
harmless warming 
will continue.

If we assume actual 
global warming 
since 1940 
was caused 
only by CO2 
( as a worst case estimate ),
and we continue 
adding CO2 
to the atmosphere,
the actual warming rate 
from 1940 to 2018
suggests a future 
warming rate 
of less than 
+1 degree C. of
global warming 
in the next 100 years.

And that would be
harmless warming,
especially if the
beneficial locations, 
and timing, of past 
global warming, 
continue in the future.

To claim that 
we can’t predict 
the future climate, 
suggests that we 
know nothing about 
climate change.

That’s not correct.

Of course we can't be sure
of the future climate.

But we do have 78 years 
of experience with adding 
CO2 to the atmosphere.

And we have real time 
( although imperfect ) 
temperature measurements 
for the whole 78 years.

Why not assume that
PAST global warming rates,
from 1940 through 2018, 
will continue in the FUTURE ?

There's no logical reason
to assume anything else !

I’d call that a simple prediction.

There’s no logical reason 
to predict FUTURE warming 
will be a lot DIFFERENT 
than PAST global warming, 
unless your primary goal
is to scare people.

Yet the predictions made by 
the climate scaremongers,
in every year since the 1970s, 
on average, are for a 
FUTURE global 
warming rate that is
quadruple the actual 
global warming rate 
from 1940 through 2018 !

And those scary predictions 
have been WRONG every year.

And now I’ll describe 
the REAL climate change 
problem, based on a quote 
from my second favorite 
philosopher, “perfesser” 
Groucho Marx: 

The coming climate 
change catastrophe, 
only coming in overactive 
leftist imaginations,
for over 60 years,
is NOT coming, and is
NOT a problem at all. 

The real problem is
gross overreactions 
to what has actually
been pleasant, 
global warming
for 300+ years.

We've had mild beneficial 
global warming for 300+ years,
that no one in their right mind 
should want to stop ! 

Groucho Marx 
understood politics:

“Politics is the art 
of looking for trouble, 
finding it everywhere,
diagnosing it incorrectly, 
and applying the wrong remedies.”

And that's exactly what's wrong 
with the Climate Change Cult 
/ Religion / Movement,
or whatever you want to call it.

Here on the Honest Global 
Warming Chart blog, 

I call climate change
"science fraud"

Because it is.