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Monday, May 20, 2019

What to tell your children about climate science ... to counter the brainwashing they get in school about "climate change"

First, take away their phone.

Then it's time

for "The Talk".

Not "that" talk, 

this is even worse !

You are trying to

refute leftist
about climate 
change !

In life, it's common 
for political leaders to 
claim a disaster is coming, 
and tell you that 
only they 
can prevent it, 
by you doing everything 
they say, without question.

In life, some people 
are evil, seeking power 
for themselves.

They will smile at you, 
wear nice clothes,
and then lie to you.

Sometimes they don't
even realize they are 
lying -- they are repeating
a lie someone told them,
that they assume is true.

There are liars 
who try to get 
power for 
because they 
want to control
other people.

Many become
or used car

The claim of 
a coming global
warming crisis
is one of those lies.

That wild guess 
has been repeated 
so many times
in the past 60 years,
that many people 
came to believe it. 

The United States
just had the coldest 
October through 
April period
in over 100 years.

I bet your teachers never
mentioned that fact to you.

They would rather pretend
that cold winter
never happened, 
so they can keep 
repeating their belief
of a coming climate 
change crisis !

The first six months of 2018
had almost the same 
global average temperature as
the first six months of 2002,
16 years earlier -- actually 
slightly cooler.

Another fact your teachers
never mentioned to you.

If you want to be smart,
you will never believe 
predictions of the future,
no matter who tells you 
they "know".

Especially predictions of 
coming bad news, like 
the tale of a coming
climate change crisis,
that has been coming
for over 60 years, and 
no crisis ever shows up.

After 60 years, 
a wrong prediction
becomes a fairy tale.

Some people claim the future
climate will be very different
from the past climate.

They have been saying that
for over 60 years.

Sometimes adults don't know 
what they are talking about 
-- almost always, when they
are predicting the future.

That applies to teachers, 
and scientists too !

The greenhouse effect 
is real, and pleasant.

Reactions to it are unreal,
very expensive, and not 

There is no 
climate change
crisis now.

There is no coming
climate change crisis.

If there ever is a climate
change crisis, it will 
be a surprise -- no one 
will have predicted it.

The global temperature 
has been warming 
at a harmless rate of 
less than eight tenths 
of a degree C.
in a century, 
since we started
adding a lot of CO2
to the air, after 1940.

That's harmless warming.

There's far more warming
than that, every day, from 
morning until noon.

The most common warming 
has been warmer winter nights
in colder climates.

That's very different 
from what you think of, 
when you are told the 
global average 
temperature is rising.

Man made 
CO2 emissions 
may have had 
a warming effect 
on global temperatures,
for the past 80 years.

But the warming 
has been so small, 
it's impossible to know 
if the past warming 
was natural, 
or man made.

The overall warming, 
as CO2 was added 
to the atmosphere,
has not been harmful
in any way.

In fact, extra CO2 in the air
is greening the earth.

I bet your teachers never
bothered to tell you that.

Did you know that greenhouse
owners around the world 
add extra CO2 to the air
inside their greenhouses,
to improve plant growth?

That's another thing your
teachers never told you.

Your teachers are mainly
Democrats, and they will 
tell you things that Democrats
believe, whether true or not.

They believe Democrats
are always right, and 
Republicans are always

You should not think 
in that closed minded way.

20,000 years ago, Canada
was covered by thick ice.

10,000 years ago, all that ice
had melted, and it was warmer
than it is today.

The climate changed a lot, 
long before there were 
people burning fossil fuels.

The climate changed very little,
after people began burning 
fossil fuels.

No one knows the future climate.

People who say they do, are liars.

No one has a record of making 
good long term climate predictions.

There's no logical reason
to believe future warming
will be harmful, as CO2
continues to be added 
to the atmosphere, 
because global warming 
was never harmful 
in the past, as CO2 was
added to the atmosphere.

Developing nations 
need to expand their use 
of fossil fuels. 

One billion people 
in the world 
have no electricity.

Preventing their progress
would be inhuman. 

The best source 
of carbon-free energy 
is nuclear energy, 
which is opposed 
by climate change
activists, for no 
logical reason.  

Some people 
tend to believe 
that all progress 
is bad.

And some people 
don't enjoy life,
because they are 
always worried about
a crisis in the future.

A crisis 
that never 
shows up.

Don't let the false claims
of a coming climate crisis 
ruin your enjoyment of life.

We are living in the 
best climate for humans
in hundreds of years.

And I'm sure your teachers
never told you that fact !