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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Electric Cars- The Inconvenient Truth

Percentage of EVs 
Per Licensed Driver

In the US there are 3.4 
plug-in electric cars 
per 685 licensed drivers.

(3.4 / 685) * 100 = 0.49%

A mere 0.49%
of licensed drivers 
have a plug-in vehicle, 
and that includes hybrids !

In California, 
thanks to extra incentives,
there are 13.2 plug-in 
electric cars per 685 
licensed drivers. 

That percentage is 1.9%.

When Do EV Vehicles Make Sense?

People buy EVs on the 
mistaken belief they are 
doing something 
for the environment.

Here in Southeastern Michigan,
I have always called Tesla EV's
"coal cars", because over 60% 
of the DTE Energy electricity
comes from burning coal !

These environmental 
"bible thumpers"
ignore the coal-burning 
to produce electricity 
( about 30% US average )
the mining of Lithium, 
and charging station
infrastructure costs.

For those who 
very seldom drive,
walking, public transportation, 
taxis and Uber are an option, 
when owning a car does not
make economic sense.

EVs may be practical 
for those who seldom
drive more than 150 miles
before a lengthy stop, 
that happens to have 
a charger available.

Those who live in a 
big metropolitan area,
who seldom drive outside 
that area, might find EVs 

For those people
living in cities, 
an Uber, perhaps a
self-driving Uber 
in the future, and 
some new car 
rental opportunities,
make more sense
than an EV.

For most EV owners,
the charging station 
needs to be 
at home or work.

EVs will not 
make sense 
for most drivers 
until batteries charge 
as fast as filling
a gas tank 
with gasoline.

Driving from 
LA to Las Vegas 
and back takes 8 hours 
with a gas-powered car 
but almost 13.5 hours 
with an electric vehicle.

Electric vehicles (EVs)
are inconvenient 
to own and operate. 

Most EVs need a charge 
after 200 to 250 miles 

Charging them requires 
finding a charging station, 
with an open bay.

Ivan Penn drove 
a Chevrolet Bolt
from LA to Las Vegas, 
a 540-mile round trip

The New York Times 
reports L.A. to Vegas 
and Back by Electric Car: 
8 hours driving a gasoline
powered car -- almost
13 1/2 hours with an EV
( 41% of the13.5 hours were spent 
plugged In for charging. )

The New York Times link below may require a subscription:

"We always found 
a charger available, 
though more than once 
we got the last one, 
and drivers arriving
after us had to wait," 
said Ivan Penn.

So the 5.5 hours charging
could have been a lot 
more hours !

Charging costs 
an average of about $10 
for about 200 miles, 
depending on the car, 

That's about about 
half the typical cost 
of gasoline 
for that distance.

"Our experience was 
not as economical:
    ( as expected ) 
We spent about $67 
on electricity, perhaps 
$10 less than 
we might have on gas,"
said Ivan Penn.

Tesla owners 
can use either 
Tesla stations 
or public stations.

The reverse is not true.

The United States has 
about 24,000 public 
charging stations, 
with an average of 
fewer than three 
charging posts. 

There are about 
150,000 gas stations, 
with from three 
to one dozen pumps
at each one.

No standards for plugs, 
fast chargers, or 
number of bays. 

Mountlake Terrace, Washington, 
a Seattle suburb, 
is forcing developers 
to put up charging stations.

Mountlake Terrace rules include:

Each charging station space shall be posted with signage indicating the space is only for electric vehicle charging purposes. Days and hours of operation shall be included if time limits or tow-away provisions are to be enforced.

Charging station equipment mounted on pedestals, light posts, bollards or other devices shall be a minimum of 24 inches clear from the face of curb.

Charging Station Equipment: 
Charging station outlets and connector devices shall be no less than 36 inches or no higher than 48 inches from the top of surface where mounted, and shall contain a retraction device and/or a place to hang permanent cords and connectors sufficiently above the ground or paved surface.

Charging Station Equipment Protection: 
When the electric vehicle charging station space is perpendicular or at an angle to curb face and charging equipment, adequate equipment protection, such as wheel stops or concrete-filled steel bollards shall be used.

Charging station equipment shall be maintained in all respects, including the functioning of the charging equipment. A phone number or other contact information shall be provided on the charging station equipment for reporting when the equipment is not functioning or other problems are encountered."

Required Number of Stations: