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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Glacier National Park Quietly Stops Lying -- Removes Its glaciers "Gone By 2020" Signs

The centerpiece of the 
visitor center near the 
east boundary is a large 
three-dimensional diorama 
showing lights going out 
as the glaciers disappear. 

Visitors press a button 
to see the diorama lit up 
like a Christmas tree in 1850, 
then showing fewer and fewer l
ights until the diorama 
goes completely dark. 

In September 2018 
the diorama 
displayed a sign 
saying GNP’s glaciers 
were expected 
to disappear 
completely by 2020.
( see photo below )

Officials at Glacier National Park 
quietly removed /  altered signs, 
and government literature, 
which had told visitors the 
the Park’s glaciers were 
all expected to disappear 
by either 2020 or 2030.

The lies have finally stopped.

Teams from Lysander Spooner 
University visiting the Park 
each September had noted 
the most famous glaciers,
such as the Grinnell Glacier 
and the Jackson Glacier, 
appear to have been growing
- not shrinking - since about 2010. 

The Jackson Glacier, visible from
the Going-To-The-Sun Highway,
may have grown as much 
as 25%, or more, over the 
past decade.