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Thursday, June 20, 2019

Rappin' About Climate Change -- Part 3

Rappin' about 
climate change
is fun to write:
No notes.
No data tables.
No charts.
No second draft !

if you'd prefer a more
professional rap, 
the best rap song 
I have ever heard,
which has nothing 
to do with the climate,
of course, is so emotional,
it made me cry 
the first time I heard it, 
which I suppose 
is pretty lame:
Tupac Shakur
"Dear Mama"
The YouTube version with lyrics:

The "trained parrots" of leftism,
don't care about real climate science.

You know that because 
instead of welcoming debate,
they attack other points of view.

That means climate cult leftists
have become the fascists of our time.

I've been criticized, more than once,
for calling leftists'  "parrots".

I did NOT call them "parrots"
-- I called them "trained parrots",
which is a big difference.

I was a Democrat 
in the 1960s,
and early 1970s 
-- I didn't leave the party, 
the party left me.

The once anti-government 
Democrat party, at least 
during the awful Vietnam War,
morphed into a pro-government

The only "climate debate" 
leftists engage in now,
is with each other, on
how much money to spend, 
and how fast to spend it !

is good news !

I've summarized 
many sentific studies 
in the past month, 
maybe too many,
showing how extra CO2, 
and warmer weather,
improves life on this planet.

There are over 3,000 studies
to make that point -- I've only
summarized some recent ones.

Of course greenhouse owners
around the world have known 
about CO2 enrichment
for many decades -- 
that's why they buy 
equipment and fuel
to increase the CO2 level 
inside their greenhouses, 
to at least 1,000 ppm,
compared with about 
400 ppm outdoors.

Clueless leftists would have 
you think that's a mistake:
' What could greenhouse owners 
possibly know about growing plants ? '

"C3 plants", often used for food, 
evolved in a climate averaging
roughly 1,000 ppm CO2.

The "C4 plants", some of which 
are used for food, were thought
to NOT benefit from more CO2, 
and would be HURT
by higher temperatures.

Two 2019 studies 
summarized on this blog
recently, experimented with 
the very important C4 plant, 
corn  ( called maize elsewhere ), 
and found those beliefs were wrong !

Watts-Williams et al. (2019) 
Positive Influence of elevated CO2 

Qiao et al. (2019)  --  
Elevated CO2 and Temperature 
Improve Soybean and Corn 

The "coming" climate change crisis,
is NOT coming -- it's 99% politics, 
and only 1% real science.

Gross overreactions 
to this fake crisis,
such as the ultra-extreme
Green New (or)Deal,
that reads like the 
Communist Manifesto,
are the real existential threat.

Groucho Marx, 
my second favorite 
understood politics:

“Politics is the art 
of looking for trouble, 
finding it everywhere, 
diagnosing it incorrectly, 
and applying 
the wrong remedies.” 
Groucho Marx

There is no debate 
about climate change
among leftists,
and no doubt, 
just like religious
people have no doubt 
that a "god" exists, 
along with a "heaven" 
and "hell".

Proof does not matter
-- they just believe !

As a long time atheist, 
beliefs based on faith
are all nonsense to me. 

I see the climate change 
cult as just another religion,
based on faith.

I know what I've just said
could offend over 90%
of the people living on 
this planet -- but I'm in the 
small minority who does not 
believe in things without proof.

Especially predictions 
of the future.

Meanwhile, as a libertarian
since 1973, I have read
many examples of a more
powerful government,
causing more problems
than a smaller less powerful
central government.

Powerful governments killed
over 100 million people
in the twentieth century --
I suppose that's not taught
in schools anymore.

Tthey would never criticize
the powerful socialist
and Communist governments,
of the past century, that were 
killing machines.

There's pressure on ordinary 
people, throughout the world,
to do everything the leftists 
tell us to do, without question.

That offends me 
a lot more than 
President Trump 
grossly exaggerating
his success(s) 
in a speech,
and I find that 
pretty offensive !

I suppose I have 
now offended
95% of the people 
living on this planet !

But I'm not here to say
the "right things" 
to make friends,
or the "right things"
to get page views 

I'm writing this blog 
as a public service,
summarizing climate 
science reading that
I would be doing anyway,
as one of my hobbies.

I prefer common sense 
about climate science, 
using simple language.

I never ignore the 
obvious leftist politics, 
encouraging the
junk science of scary,
wild guess, always wrong,
"the science is settled,
so we won't debate you,
you right wing climate denier",
climate predictions.

The climate in our world
is better than it has been
in many hundreds of years, 
for human health 
and prosperity.

Also the best climate 
in hundreds of years
for our planet's animals.

The animals include 
my black cat, 
Mr. Sneaky, 
who I have never 
mentioned here,
except for the time
he ate my papers,
and now he's had 
his one minute of fame.

Instead of allowing us
to enjoy a slightly warmer 
more pleasant climate, 
the smarmy leftists
are deliberately, 
for ulterior motives,
telling everyone 
willing to listen,
that the climate 
is not good at all --
it is bad, getting worse, 
and a climate crisis 
is coming in the future
... unless we do everything
leftists say, without question.

I'm not very good at 
following orders
( ask the wifey ),
especially those
from leftist climate
science deniers, 
who confuse their
computer game 
climate astrology, 
with real science !

The original fake news
is the coming global 
warming crisis.

The 'weapons of mass 
destruction in Iraq' 
was fake news that 
killed a lot of people.

The 'Russian Collusion 
Delusion' is fake news 
unsuccessfully used 
to "fix" the 2016 election, 
and will be used  
for the next few years 
to impeach, or at least
threaten impeachment, 
of President Trump.

But the coming global 
warming crisis is unique:
 It's long term fake news, 
lasting over 30 years, 
so far.

That's a long time 
for baloney to last !

The global warming crisis,
has since been renamed
as the "climate change" crisis,
so every unusual weather 
event can be falsely blamed 
on "climate change".

"Climate change" is a huge
multi-trillion dollar industry,
that will defend their 
fake "science" 
( aka junk science )
with massive spending 
on politicians, called
"campaign donations".

Meanwhile, let's consider 
what has actually happened,
as humans added a lot
of carbon dioxide to the air,
after the Great Depression 

Even with very haphazard 
measurements before 1950,
and temperature data 
frequently "adjusted"
to create a greater
warming rate, 
the global average 
temperature increased 
only about +0.6 degrees C.
in the 78 years, 
from 1940 through 2018.

That warming 
was intermittent:
  There was no warming 
from 1940 to 1975, and 
the year 2018 
was no warmer
than the year 2002.

Not what you should expect
from greenhouse gas warming.

The warming did NOT affect
both cold, dry poles the most,
as you should expect from
greenhouse gas warming:
  The Arctic had lots of warming, 
but Antarctica had none, 
since roughly 1980.

The main warming trend
since 1975, has been 
warmer nights in the 
coldest six months 
of the year, mainly 
in the northern half of 
the Northern Hemisphere.

That's not a climate crisis
-- it's a better climate,
something  to celebrate,
and want more of !

Why have so many people
in the world been convinced
a climate change crisis is 
coming, when,
for over 30 years,
their own climate 
has been getting better ?

Probably for the same reason 
that so many people were 
convinced, primarily in the
United States and Germany,
that some races of people
were superior to others,
the inferior races
were multiplying too fast,
and mental hospital
patients should be 
forcibly sterilized.
( the fake science of eugenics ).

And that reason,
is that most people 
are not very bright
-- half have 
below average

And many other people 
are easily swayed 
by politicians, who spend 
most of their lives lying
and misleading people
( both major parties ).

The politicians love to have 
a "crisis", so their government
can jump in, expand their power,
and "fight" the crisis.

The crisis does NOT have to be real,
like the attacks by radical Muslims were.

The claimed coming crisis
only has to be BELIEVED.

For leftist politicians, 
an ideal "crisis" hurts no one, 
and "will happen" far in the future,
so experiencing the alleged
effects will require a long wait.

Yet leftists never want to wait
to see if they are right
-- they always claim
there's no time for debate,
because "we must act now ! "

A fake crisis exists only 
in overactive imaginations, 
but can be"fought" 
by central governments
as if it was really coming.

The fake climate change crisis
has empowered governments,
just as much as the real crisis
of radical Muslim attacks has.

In the US, we have a 
government that declares
CO2 is a "pollutant", even 
though CO2 is the staff of life,
mandatory to support 
photosynthesis, and life,
on our planet.

And in spite of the fact that 
the atmospheric CO2 level 
is near the lowest it has ever
been on our planet, we have
people declaring the unusually
a low CO2 level, in roughly 1750, 
is the "right" level.

And the scientific proof of that is:

The climate alarmists 
falsely claim 
fossil fuels are evil,
and we must stop 
adding CO2 
to the atmosphere,
even though 
modern economies
are based on 
the low priced,
consistent energy
from fossil fuels.

No one ever summed up 
this fake climate science 
better than the now retired
MIT climate science professor, 
Richard Lindzen, PhD, in 2009 
( his unusually long
"PhD sentence",
is displayed here
in a unique format, 
for easier reading ):

“Future generations 
will wonder, in bemused 
amazement, that the early 
twenty-first century’s 
developed world, 
went into a hysterical panic, 
over a globally averaged 
temperature increase, 
of a few tenths of a degree, 
and, on the basis of
gross exaggerations, 
of highly uncertain 
computer projections, 
combined into implausible 
chains of inference, 
proceeded to contemplate 
a roll-back of the industrial age.”     

  Richard S. Lindzen, PhD ... in 2009 
MIT Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, 
member of the National Academy of Sciences, 
and former lead author, U.N. Intergovernmental 
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)