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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Saminathan et al. (2019) -- Elevated CO2 offsets the effects of drought on sweet potatoes

Saminathan, T., Alvarado, A., 
Lopez, C., Shinde, S., Gajanayake, B., 
Abburi, V.L., Vajja, V.G., 
Jagadeeswaran, G., Reddy, K.R., 
Nimmakayala, P. and Reddy, U.K. 


"Elevated carbon dioxide and drought 
modulate physiology and storage-root 
development in sweet potato 
by regulating microRNAs."

Functional & Integrative Genomics 
19: 171-190.

Drought has 
a substantial 
negative impact 
on photosynthesis,
chlorophyll and biomass 
of sweet potato plants. 

Elevated CO2 
improved these 
and other 

In the combined 
elevated CO2 and 
drought treatment,
the positive effects 
of elevated CO2 
more than 
sufficiently offset 
the negative effects 
of drought.

Saminathan et al. say 
"the decrease in photosynthesis 
under drought stress was mitigated 
by elevated CO2" 
and that 
"the significant reduction in biomass 
when plants were grown under drought 
was completely reversed 
under elevated CO2." 

They report that such responses 
were also found when 
biomass was apportioned 
into leaf, stem and root sinks.

The authors conclude that 
"elevated CO2 
the adverse effects 
of drought stress" 
on sweet potato. 

Great news for 
this key global 
food crop.

Saminathan et al. (2019) say
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) 
is the seventh most-produced 
food crop worldwide and 
is a source of starch, ethanol, 
animal feed and other 
industrial products. 

The team of eleven researchers 
designed and conducted 
an experiment to investigate 
the interactive effects of 
elevated CO2 and drought 
on the growth of sweet potatoes.

They grew plants of the variety 
Beauregard (B14) in a sunlit 
Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research (SPAR) 
facility under controlled environment 
conditions at the Rodney Foil Plant 
Science Research Center of 
Mississippi State University, 
Mississippi, USA. 

Sweet potato slips were transplanted 
into the SPAR chambers and 
exposed to one of two atmospheric 
CO2 concentrations, control (380 ppm) 
or elevated (760 ppm). 

Initially, all plants were grown 
under 100% field capacity 
water conditions. 

Then, at 41 days after transplanting 
(DAT), Saminathan et al. subjected 
half of the plants in each CO2 treatment 
to drought (40% water field capacity) 
until the experiment ended at 97 DAT.