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Thursday, June 13, 2019

"Scientists Believe" ... Black Holes Could Be Portals To Other Galaxies

Add this 
to the many things
"scientists believe".

After 21 years 
of climate science
reading as a hobby, 
the formerly
respectible phrase
"Scientists believe" 
makes me burst out laughing 
just like I was watching
a Three Stooges comedy !

I wouldn't buy 
a used car 
from a scientist ! 

I suppose some scientists
think residents of Earth 
can be saved from an 
(imaginary) climate crisis,
by finding a habitable planet
in a distant galaxy, and 
people will get there
by traveling through 
a wormhole, using the 
gravitational slingshot 
velocity of a massive 
black hole !

That's a good theme
for science fiction.

Scientists believe
new simulation models 
are suggesting
a rotating black hole, 
which contains a unique 
“mass inflation singularity,” 
may offer safe passage 
to another part
of the galaxy, or
to a different galaxy.

Physicists from 
UMass Dartmouth and 
Georgia Gwinnett College 
say their simulations show 
the singularity at the center 
of a large, rotating black hole, 
could actually facilitate 
a “gentle” passage 
through rips in spacetime.

Physicist Gaurav Khanna, 
colleague Lior Burko, 
and student Caroline Mallary,
built a computer simulation 
exploring the physics involved.

"Scientists believe", 
and a computer model, 
are two strikes
in climate science,
I believe !

The "strike three"
is the climate crisis
never shows up.

"Scientists believe"
and a computer model
are "two strikes" 
here too !

And we already have 
a "strike three".

"Strike three" 
is that humans 
are still trying
to visit the nearest 
planet in our 
own solar system --
( while the 
nearest black hole, 
Sagittarius A*,
is 27,000 light years 
away, at the center 
of the Milky Way ! )

But that 
doesn't matter,
"scientists believe" !