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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Yang et al. (2019) -- Unusually cold weather much more dangerous than unusually warm weather in China

Yang, Z., Wang, Q. and Liu, P. 


"Extreme temperature 
and mortality:
evidence from China." 

International Journal of Biometeorology 63: 29-50.

Cold weather events represent 
a much greater threat to human 
health than warm weather events.

And the threat is larger in poorer regions 
where citizens do not have as many 
resources or technological capabilities 
to adequately prepare for and endure 
potentially deadly weather events. 

Many policy makers support restrictions 
on fossil fuel use because of concerns 
about global warming.

But a little global warming 
would likely produce a net saving 
of lives -- a greater reduction 
in cold-related deaths than 
an increase in warm-related deaths.

Yang et al. note the majority 
of related studies examine
the relationship between 
temperature and mortality 
focusing only on heat waves.

Much less is known about 
temperature-induced mortality
due to cold weather.

The three Chinese scientists 
conducted a nationwide analysis 
of the impact of temperature 
on all-cause mortality using data 
from 70 cities across China 
over the period 2002-2013. 

12 temperature-related indices 
were analyzed in relation to 
mortality data, six related to 
hot weather extremes and six 
related to cold weather extremes.

Yang et al. report that changes 
in extreme hot and cold temperature 
indicators were generally both 
positively and significantly 
associated with mortality. 

The effects of cold weather events 
were consistently more deadly 
than warm weather events. 

For example, annual death rates 
attributed to cold spell durations 
were 42.5% greater than those 
due to warm spell durations.

The authors found evidence 
of regional acclimation, 
where the death rates 
due to extreme hot weather 
were larger in northern China 
than in southern China. 

Cold-induced temperature 
mortality rates in the south 
tended to be greater than 
rates in the north. 

The annual deaths due to 
cold weather events across China 
are presently a serious 
health threat, where those
death rates "exceed the mortality 
from leukemia and brain tumors."

Yang et al. also sorted their findings 
by economic progress (represented 
by GDP). 

They found 
"low-GDP cities were 
the most affected regions 
by the extreme temperature 
events in China," 
"the health of people living 
in low-GDP areas was especially 
susceptible to the effects 
of extreme cold spell duration."

Fossil fuel use is highly correlated
with GDP, so restricting fossil fuel
use could reduce GDP, which would
affect current low GDP areas,
already the most vulnerable
to unusually cold spells.