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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Zheng et al. (2018) -- Thermal Acclimation of Maize ( corn ) Plants to Global Warming

Zheng, Y.P., Li, R.Q., Guo, L.L., 
Hao, L.H., Zhou, H.R., Li, F., 
Peng, Z.P., Cheng, D.J. and Xu, M. 


"Temperature responses of photosynthesis 
and respiration 
of maize (Zea mays) 
plants to experimental warming." 

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 65: 524-531.

A concerns about global warming 
is that rising temperatures 
will reduce crop yields. 

This assumption is mainly based 
on plant net photosynthesis 
measurements across a range 
of temperature values. 

Such data generally depict 
an inverted u-shaped curve, 
where photosynthesis rises 
as temperatures warm, 
then peaks at an optimum 
temperature value, after which 
it declines towards zero 
as temperatures 
continue to rise.

Zheng et al. conclude 
that in response to warming, 
maize plants experienced 
an apparent 
"thermal acclimation 
of the net photosynthetic rate 
and leaf dark respiration," 
"may mitigate or even offset 
the negative impacts on maize 
from future climate warming." 

The findings suggest 
a warming climate 
may produce higher 
crop yields, which is 
far different than 
what climate alarmists 
have been claiming.

Zheng et al. report that 
experimental warming 
"significantly enhanced 
the maximum values of 
net photosynthetic rate 
(An) by about +60% 
(P = 0.004) 
from an average 
of 18.6 µmol/(m2 s) 
for plants grown 
at ambient temperature 
to 29.8 µmol/(m2 s) 
for plants grown 
at elevated temperature." 

The authors note that the 
optimal temperature 
for plant photosynthesis (Topt) 
in the elevated temperature 
treatment also rose by 2°C 
compared to that observed 
in the ambient temperature 
treatment (i.e., Topt rose 
from 29.0 to 31.0°C). 

Working with maize plants 
( Zea mays ), 
the nine researchers conducted 
a field experiment to examine 
the crop's potential 
for thermal acclimation. 

They grew maize 
at the Yucheng 
Experiment Station 
on the North China Plain, 
an area of widespread 
maize production, 
under normal and elevated
temperature conditions. 

Elevated temperature plots 
were warmed by infrared radiators, 
resulting in temperature conditions 
for the air, soil and canopy 
that were 1.42/1.77°C (day/night), 
1.68/2.04°C (day/night) 
and 2.08°C (day) higher
than the control temperature 
treatment, respectively. 

Sixty days after sowing, 
the scientists conducted 
several physiological and 
biochemical measurements 
on fully expanded ear leaves 
at the heading stage 
of the maize plants.

Leaf dark respiration rates 
were consistently greater 
in the ambient, as opposed to 
the elevated temperature 
treatment, but warming 
helped improve leaf 
carbohydrate levels, 
where warming 
"significantly enhanced 
the concentration of 
soluble sugars by 
+43.7% (P < 0.01)," 
starch concentrations 
by +20% (P < 0.05) 
and total nonstructural 
by +30.8% (P < 0.01).