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Monday, July 22, 2019

Climate Change Groupthink

Groupthink = A group of people 
share a particular belief that is 
not based on a proper evidence.

They believe they are right, 
and prefer to associate 
with people having the same belief.

As a result, 
in their 'world', 
they see 
on that belief.

Most people they know 
share the belief,
or are too polite to disagree,
perhaps because the belief 
is very popular 
( most people don't want to 
state an unpopular opinion ) 
and/or they don't want to
start an argument with 
a friend.

A belief that's not based 
on data and evidence, 
is a subjective belief, 
that can't be defended
with a fact-based debate.

A subjective belief can only be 
defended with logical fallacies,
such as an appeal to authority,
or claiming a consensus on the 
belief ( so it must be true ).

When someone is not 
convinced by the appeal
to authority, leftists resort
to changing the subject 
( unusually polite leftists ), 
and/or ridiicule and
character attacks. 

There are varying levels 
of hostility towards anyone 
daring to question the belief.

The belief that adding 
carbon dioxide to the air
would cause global warming
started in the 1800s.

The belief that extra CO2
COULD BE dangerous,
began in the late 1950's, 
starting with oceanographer 
Roger Revelle ( Al Gore's 
favorite scientist ), and a 
relatively small group
of scientists he organized.

At the time, predictions of the
climate 100 years in the future
was not considered to be 
real science.

In the late 1980s, the belief that 
a rise in CO2 levels WOULD cause 
dangerous warming became

The first report of the UN 
Intergovernmental Panel on 
Climate Change (IPCC), in 1990,
and the 1992 Rio ‘Earth Summit’, 
described a coming global 
warming crisis as an 
international scientific

Before that time, a "consensus"
was not considered to be 
real science.

At Kyoto Japan, in 1997, 
there was the first UN agreement 
to slow down the rise in the 
global average temperature.

Unfortunately, that would require
the richer nations to reduce the
CO2 emissions ... that made them 
the richer nations !

The poorer "developing" nations
could continue increasing their
CO2 emissions, with the time
limit being until their economies 
caught up with the rich nations,
which could take many decades,
if it happened at all.

The poorer nations included 
over one billion people in China,
and about one billion people in India.

The richer nations reduced their
own growth of CO2 emissions, 
partly by shipping manufacturing 
production to China, and other 
"poor" Asian nations.

To make global warming alarm
seem to be based on "science",
government bureaucrat
believers began changing 
historical temperature data, 
and created the junk science
"Hockey Stick Chart", falsely
claiming global temperatures 
had been steady for 
thousands of years, and
then suddenly began rising 
in the 20th century.

I began reading climate
science articles and studies
in 1997, twenty years after 
I began working in product
development for a major
auto manufacturer.

I wondered if our products
were causing environmental

In my first hour of reading,
I realized there had been
global cooling from 1940
to 1975, which caused 
a small group of "scientists" 
to predict a coming ice age.

They got a lot of attention,
and other scientists noticed
that scary climate predictions
got global attention ( and they
probably helped get government
study grants too ).

I remember the coming
ice age articles in
magazines from 1975.

By 1997 the "problem" 
was claimed to be 
dangerous global warming,
50 to 100 years in the future, 
based primarily on computer 
model projections.

There were no accurate 
predictions of the climate 
50 to 100 DAYS in the future,
so predictions of 50 to 100 
YEARS in the future,
were not persuasive.

I kept reading
climate science, 
at least one article
or study a week, 
usually more, 
guided mainly by
a reading list called 
"The Week That Was", 
which I still read every 
week, 22 years later ! 

The SEPP reading list, 
with links to climate
articles and studies,
now includes a very good
climate newsletter, 
written by SEPP President,
Ken Haapala.

In 2007, I wrote a 
long feature article
on global warming 
in my economics 
and finance newsletter,
for subscribers.

My next article was
not until seven years 
later, in 2014.

Not much had changed
from 2007 to 2014 
-- I was a "climate change
crisis is coming skeptic"
in 2007, and in 2014 too.

What was different in 2014
was the quantity of wild 
"studies" and articles predicting 
various coming catastrophes.

There seemed to be a contest
for telling the scariest climate
change "campfire story".

We'd been adding a lot of CO2
to the air since the Great 
Depression ended -- 
for 74 years at the time, 
from 1940 through 2014,
yet there was no bad news 
from the extra CO2,
much less a crisis !

asked me about a recent "scary
study", which appeared to be wild
data-free speculation.

I read it, plus several other coming
climate catastrophe "studies",
and decided to launch a new
climate science blog to summarize
the climate reading I was doing 
every week since 1997. 

Climate change hysteria has
ramped up even more after

Challenges to the "consensus"
are ignored, or rejected and

When I leave a comment on 
a climate skeptic website,
I get more readers looking 
at my climate science blog.

When I leave a comment on
a "climate alarmism" website,
it gets deleted within 24 hours.

The consequences of 
Climate Groupthink 
have been counterproductive
and expensive government 
policies -- boosting the cost
of energy, and making the 
electric grid less reliable.

The lack of real science
knowledge can be stunning.

The UN’s recent declaration 
of the eminent extinction 
of one million species, 
for one example, is nothing
more than a computer game fantasy.

Millions of species that don't exist 
are predicted to exist in the future, 
by a computer game, and then 
one million of the "new" species
are claimed to become extinct
in the future, according to the
same computer game !

British Prince Charles,
who was never very bright, 
recently declared that 
“We have 18 months 
to save the world.”

Complete nonsense, of course
but the leftist mass media loved it.

Groupthink allows a leftist mob
to sell the big government 
socialism they have always wanted.

All they need is government 
bureaucrat "scientists" with 
their computer games, and 
worst case scenarios.

Skeptics are attacked with 
ridicule, character attacks,
and sometimes attacks
on their scientific careers.

Leftists claim they care about 
climate change, yet don't bother
to learn anything about climate

Leftists love any 
wild guess predictions
of the future climate,
which claim
100% bad news ahead,
and reject studies of 
past climate change, 
which has been 
325 years of 
100% good news.

The future climate 
is a fantasy.

Leftists love fantasy.

The past climate is reality.

Leftists hate reality.

There is no reason to believe 
the world will stop using 
fossil fuels. 

The primarily leftist-biased
media has chosen to be a 
cheerleader for the coming 
climate change catastrophe
fantasy, misleading the public.

The UN's Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC) is a 
political organization, preferring
worst-case scenarios plugged into
unvalidated computer models,
making wrong climate predictions
for over 30 years ... so far.

The IPCC is leftist groupthink,
not real unbiased science.

And this blog 
is an antidote
to the leftist politics, 
and junk science,
"foundation" of the 
smarmy climate 
change cult.

Richard Greene
June 22, 2019
Bingham Farms, Michigan
BS 1975
MBA 1977
TBW** since 1983
** trained by wife