The basic strategy
is to explain that
predictions of the
future are almost
always wrong/
It's manly Democrats
( leftists ) who
repeatedly predict
a coming climate
change crisis.
Their scary predictions
have been 100% wrong
for over 30 years.
Yet stubborn leftists
refuse to debate,
or even admit,
their wrong predictions.
In fact,
leftists have become
even more hysterical,
than ever before
-- now wanting an
infeasible, insane
$100 trillion
complete redesign
of the U.S. economy,
on top of
their usual desire
to run the economy,
and tell everyone
how to live.
Educating kids
to debate is the
ultimate goal,
but far from
the first step.
The first step is to
prove that adults
usually don't know
what they're
talking about,
when predicting
the future.
That fact is easy
to demonstrate,
by recalling some
of the many past
100% wrong,
climate predictions,
perhaps starting with
Al “Climate Blimp” Gore’s
predictions there would
be no Arctic ice by now.
Show how often the
predictions are wrong
( almost always ).
Show how
the predictions
are often linked
to political demands:
'We must act now —
and you must do
exactly as we say,
without question'.
The coming
climate change
crisis is NOT
science based.
It is nothing more than
repeated wild guess
predictions of a bad news
coming climate change,
repeated every year,
for the past 30+ years !
The predicted bad news
from FUTURE global warming
is completely different
than the actual good news,
from PAST global warming.
Wild guess, always wrong,
predictions of the future
are NOT real science,
even if presented by people
who have science degrees.
In real science, when you make
wrong predictions, you are
a stupid head, who must
go back to work, and try again.
In government "climate science",
people make wrong predictions
every year, ignore the fact they
were wrong, and make the same
scary prediction the next year.
We have over 60 years
of claims that CO2 warming
will be dangerous, with an
elevated level of hysteria
over the past 30+ years.
Ask the kids
how many decades
of “crying wolf”
about a coming
climate crisis
are required,
before we should:
STOP listening
to the hysterical
predictions?, and
START scolding leftists
for scaring children
with 100% wrong
climate predictions?
I guess the most
basic education,
is to teach kids
there are good
people and evil
people in the world.
Some of those
evil people
falsely believe
they are trying
to help others.
Leftists are among
that group of evil people,
always trying to
"help others",
by controlling them.
Leftists are evil people
because they never
admit a mistake,
and harshly stifle
all debate, by using
vicious ridicule,
character attacks
and by calling
alternative ideas:
"hate speech".
Leftists behave
just like fascists,
trying to control
what people think,
and what they say,
as if leftists are superior,
and others are inferior.
That's why leftists are evil.
Leftists are
actually inferior,
although they've
certainly tried
to rewrite history,
in an attempt
to hide their past.
For example:
U.S. Democrat racists
favored slavery,
and Democrats
created and staffed
the Ku Klux Klan,
after Republicans
fought them
in the Civil War,
defeated them,
and then freed all
the American slaves.
Implementing the
ultimate leftism,
called "communism",
left a huge trail of death
and destruction
during the 20th century
-- up to one hundred
million dead from the
executions and famines.
I doubt if these facts are
taught in schools today,
by leftist teachers
( a large majority ).
That's another reason
why leftists are evil
-- there's lots of
leftist brainwashing,
in schools, and also
"revisionist history",
because leftists
are a large majority
of the teachers.
That's true in almost all schools.
As a parent, it's your job,
and not an easy one,
to deprogram your kids !
You will NOT succeed
if you treat leftists
as decent people,
merely misinformed
about climate science.
The leftists are
science deniers
and climate change
Their false claim
of trying to
"save the planet",
from a climate change
threat, that only exists
in their imaginations,
is really part of
a devious plan
for leftists to control
the planet.
And if they were not
trying to scare you
about climate change,
they would be trying
to scare you about
something else.
No matter what the
scare is, or whether
it's real or fake,
the claimed "solution"
is ALWAYS a bigger,
stronger government,
controlled by leftists.
And don't ever forget that !