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Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Greenhouse Effect is NOT dangerous

The climate models 
greatly overestimate 
the greenhouse effect,
with the exception of
one Russian model.

Why do we need models ?

They completely ignore our
78 years of experience 
with adding lots of CO2 
to the atmosphere,
from 1940 through 2018.

We don't know how much,
if any, of the +0.6 degrees C.
warming from 1940 to 2018
was caused by extra CO2
in the atmosphere.

But we do know that amount 
of warming is harmless, 
because we lived through it.

The +0.6 degrees C. in 78 years
is equivalent to +0.77 degrees C.
in 100 years.

That's harmless warming, even
if we assume CO2 caused 100%
of the warming ( the UN's IPCC 
guesses "over half", not 100% ).

Climate alarmists are
wild guessing that CO2 
will cause warming
in the future ( based on 
the average climate model,
excluding the Russian model ),
that would allegedly be
quadruple the actual 
warming rate from 
1940 through 2018.

It would be wise 
to consider past actual 
temperature changes, as
CO2 rose, as an educated
guess of the future.

Not the wild guessing 
that the future warming
will be the past warming
times four !

That's climate scaremongering !

In fact, CO2's effect is
logarithmic, meaning 
a future CO2 increase
of 100 ppm, will have less 
of a an effect than the 
past CO2 increase
of 100 ppm.

That logarithmic relationship
is why we try to estimate 
the climate's “sensitivity 
to a doubling of CO2
-- a 100% increase --
rather than the sensitivity
to a 100 ppm increase.

This fact appears to be 
missing from the global 
climate models, relied on
by the UN Intergovernmental 
Panel on Climate Change 
(IPCC), and its followers.

The “forcing” (effect)
of greenhouse gas 
( in watts per square meter ) 
is directly proportional 
to the logarithm of the 
amount of CO2 growth, 
compared to some 
starting amount. 

The expected,
temperature rise 
is proportional 
to the “forcing.” 

Climate alarmists have been 
predicting +3 degrees C.
since the 1970s.

The UN's IPCC 
adopted that theory
when it was formed 
in 1988.

The IPCC claims 
a doubling of CO2 
will increase 
by +3 degrees C., 
plus or minus 
1.5 degrees C.

Climate alarmists prefer
to Ignore 1940 to 1975,
which is "data mining".

CO2 levels increased
a lot from 1940 to 1975,
and climate alarmists 
are very disappointed
the global average 
temperature did NOT go up
-- in fact, the average 
temperature went down.

So they ignore that period.
... except to gradually adjust 
the historical temperatures
so that now, the significant
global cooling from 1940 
to 1975 has "magically 
morphed" into a flat trend.

Even ignoring 1940 to 1975,
the worst case assumption
for CO2 caused warming
would be +1 degree C.
per doubling of the CO2
level, not +3 degrees C.
per doubling of CO2.

Even more important,
no one knows if CO2 
caused any of the warming
from 1940 through 2018,
because natural causes of
climate change could have
caused 100% of the warming.

Natural causes of climate change
ruled the earth for 4.5 billion years.

There is no evidence man made
CO2 became the "climate 
controller" sometime during
the 20th century, and natural
causes of climate change 
became unimportant.

Many people asserting that
does not create truth.

... And now you know 
a lot more about 
greenhouse warming
than any member 
of the U.S. Congress !