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Saturday, July 6, 2019

These polar bears were not affected by climate change for 20 years

My first article 
on polar bears !

There has been 
20 years with no trend 
in ice breakup dates 
for Western Hudson Bay 
polar bears.

All polar bear females 
tagged by researchers 
around Churchill in 
Western Hudson Bay 
last year, were still 
on the ice as of 
June 25, 2019. 

Contrary to predictions 
of ever-declining ice cover,
the lack of a trend in sea ice 
breakup dates for Western 
Hudson Bay is now twenty 
years long.

The polar bears 
are repeatedly claimed
to have been 
seriously harmed 
in recent years 
by a loss of sea ice.

The claims are made
by leftist liars.

Sea ice breakup 
has never come 
before June 15. 

The earliest recent 
spring ice breakup 
date did not come in 2012,
when sea ice hit a summer 
record low – but in 1999, 
when Hudson Bay sea ice 
suddenly began to melt 
by late June 
rather than mid-July 
(Cherry et al. 2013; 
Castro de la Guardia et al. 2017; 
Lunn et al. 2016). 

There has been no 
obvious trend 
in breakup dates for 
Western Hudson Bay 
polar bears since 1999
(and no trend in fall freeze-up dates either).

Cherry and colleagues (2013) 
studied WHB bears between 
1991 and 2009 and stated:
“Throughout the study, 
bears arrived ashore 
a mean of 28.3 days 
(S.E. = 1.8) 
after 30% ice cover …”

No matter when 
that arbitrary 30% 
sea ice coverage 
has been reached, 
the bears leave the ice 
when they feel like it.

On average, the bears 
stay on the floating ice 
until about four weeks 
after the official 
sea ice ‘breakup’ 
point is reached. 

The overall trend in time 
polar bears spend onshore 
since 1979 has declined, 
but there has been 
no trend since 2001.

That's NOT what was expected 
or predicted, especially given 
the marked decline in global 
sea ice levels from 2007-2015. 
      (Crockford 2017)

Last year, virtually all bears 
that came off the ice around 
Churchill had arrived 
by the third week of July 
last year (16th - 22nd).

Castro de la Guardia, L., Myers, P.G., 
Derocher, A.E., Lunn, N.J., 
Terwisscha van Scheltinga, A.D. 
"Sea ice cycle in western Hudson Bay, 
Canada, from a polar bear perspective." 

Marine Ecology Progress Series 564: 225–233. 

Cherry, S.G., Derocher, A.E., 
Thiemann, G.W., Lunn, N.J. 
"Migration phenology 
and seasonal fidelity 
of an Arctic marine predator 
in relation to sea ice dynamics."

 Journal of Animal Ecology 82:912-921. 

Crockford, S.J. 
"Testing the hypothesis 
that routine sea ice coverage 
of 3-5 mkm2 results in 
a greater than 30% decline 
in population size 
of polar bears 
(Ursus maritimus)."

PeerJ Preprints 19 January 2017. 

Lunn, N.J., Servanty, S., 
Regehr, E.V., Converse, S.J., 
Richardson, E. and Stirling, I. 
"Demography of an apex predator 
at the edge of its range – impacts 
of changing sea ice on polar bears 
in Hudson Bay. "

Ecological Applications, in press.