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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Zhao et al (2019) -- Positive Response of Grape Plantlets to CO2 Enrichment

Zhao, X., Li, W.-F., Wang, Y., 
Ma, Z.-H., Yang, S.-J., Zhou, Q., 
Mao, J. and Chen, B.-H. 


"Elevated CO2 concentration 
promotes photosynthesis of grape 
(Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Pinot noir') 
plantlet in vitro by regulating 
RbcS and Rca revealed by 
proteomic and transcriptomic 

BMC Plant Biology 19: 

Increasing atmospheric CO2 
concentrations promotes plant 
development and growth, 
based on thousands of 
scientific experiments.

Zhao et al. investigated 
the effect of elevated CO2 
on a key wine grape variety, 
Pinot Noir.

Elevated CO2 stimulated 
total plant dry weight, 
leaf area and plant height 
by +125%, +96% and +31%, 

Photosynthetic parameters 
revealed a CO2-induced 
stimulation, and the various 
physiological changes,
were related to differentially 
expressed genes and proteins 
among the plants growing 
in the two environments. 

Pinot Noir growth 
and development
should benefit 
in the future 
if the air's 
CO2 content 
continues to rise. 

Their experiment was conducted 
in controlled climate chambers 
at the Fruit Tree Physiology 
and Biotechnology Laboratory, 
College of Horticulture, 
Gansu Agricultural University, 

The grape plantlets 
( Vitis vinifera, cv. Pinot Noir ) 
were propagated 
and then cultured in a 
2% sucrose solution 
at either ambient (380 ppm) 
or elevated (1,000 ppm) CO2 
concentrations, for a period 
of 25 days. 

The authors examined the impact 
of CO2 on various growth-related 
parameters, and conducted 
transcriptomic and proteomic 