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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Thank You for 40,000 page views

Up from 20,000 
page views
in September 2018

I try to get more
people thinking 
about why 
leftists use 
junk science
to scare people about 
a future climate, 
that they have 
NO ability to predict.

I think the answer is obvious:
-- This is not about the climate.
-- This is not about real science.
-- This is about leftists getting 
a lot more political power 
over the private sector, 
through more control
of, and taxes on,
their energy use.
-- This is the new way 
to "sell" socialism, 
using the
"Save the planet
for the children" BS.
( Marxism, if you consider the Green New Deal  ),

As a libertarian since 1973,
I favor less government and
more freedom -- one reason
I did not like Bush, Obama.
or Trump.

Refuting leftist climate
change scaremongering
is not work to me.

The coming climate
change crisis is a lie
-- a 60+ year old lie.

And I don't like being lied to.

Richard Greene,
since 1953

since 1965

since 1973

State University of New York, 
at Albany, 1975

Stern School of Business,
at New York University, 1977

Editor of an
and finance
since 1977
( named "ECONOMIC
LOGIC" since 1981 )

Married to 
wonderful wife,
since 1983

Living in 
Bingham Farms, 
since 1987

Retired, lazy bum, 
since January 2005

Editor of the 
Economic Logic Blog,
since 2008

Editor of this
Honest Global
Warming Chart Blog,
since 2014

Editor of the 
Election Circus
politics blog,
since 2016 

that global warming
appears to have 
skipped Michigan !

Does not speak French.

Favorite philosophers:
- Lawrence "Yogi" Berra
- Groucho Marx

Favorite quote:
“Politics is the art 
of looking for trouble, 
finding it everywhere, 
diagnosing it incorrectly, 
and applying the wrong remedies.” 
    Groucho Marx