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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Walker et al. (2019) -- Four long-term CO2-enrichment experiments

Walker, A.P., De Kauwe, M.G., 
Medlyn, B.E., Zaehle, S., Iversen, C.M., 
Asao, S., Guenet, B., Harper, A., 
Hickler, T., Hungate, B.A., Jain, A.K.,
Luo, Y., Lu, X., Lu, M., Luus, K., 
Megonigal, J.P., Oren, R., Ryan, E., 
Shu, S., Talhelm, A., Wang, Y.-P., 
Warren, J.M., Werner, C., Xia, J., 
Yang, B., Zak, D.R. and Norby, R.J. 


"Decadal biomass increment 
in early secondary succession 
woody ecosystems is increased 
by CO2 enrichment." 

Nature Communications 10: 
454, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08348-1.

Walker et al. (2019), 
say biomass responses 
are the greatest uncertainty 
in model projections 
of terrestrial 
carbon sink responses 
to increasing CO2.

It's uncertain if CO2-induced 
growth enhancements observed 
in short-term experiments 
are maintained over decades.

Biomass increase 
from CO2 enrichment 
(to 550-700 ppm) 
in the four early
temperate ecosystems, 
was a positive
29 ± 11.7% 
over the course of 
about one decade, 
while the NPP change
( net primary production )
was a positive 
22.9 ± 6.1% 
in the same period. 

The temporal change 
in plant biomass 
was found to be related 
to the cumulative change 
in NPP (cNPP), 
such that for every 
kg C m-2 increase 
in cNPP, the change
in vegetative biomass 
increased by 
0.55 ± 0.17 kg C m-2.

Positive outcomes 
should be realized 
in decades to come 
as the air’s CO2 content 
continues to rise 
in response to the use 
of fossil fuel energy.

The 27-member 
research team 
of Walker et al. 
analyzed the biomass 
and net primary production 
(NPP) responses 
from four long-term 
(one decade) 
ecosystem CO2-enrichment 
experiments conducted 
in the United States. 

All of the site locations 
were dominated by woody 
plant species and each study 
had measured major 
components of NPP.