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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Wall Street Journal --- “Low-Lying Lands Could Be Submerged by Climatic Disaster”

The title of this article 
was borrowed from
a February 2, 1978 article
in The Wall Street Journal.

The article reported
the temperature rise due to 
the burning of oil and gas 
would result in a: 
“sudden deglaciation 
of the West Antarctic, 
unfreezing enough water 
to raise world sea levels 
by five meters" 
(about 16 feet)

Such a sea-level rise could: 
“result in the submergence 
of much of Florida, Holland 
and other low-lying areas 
in the next 50 years.”

That prediction depended on 
the worst-case scenarios for:
Greenhouse gas emissions, 
Global warming, and
The effect of 
global warming 
on Antarctica ice. 

None of the three
worst case scenarios

Sea level has 
continued to rise 
at less than one foot 
per century.

To achieve the 
predicted 16 feet 
of sea level rise 
in the next 50 years, 
that we were warned of 
41 years ago, in the 
Wall Street Journal,
the rate of sea level rise 
needed to be 200 times 
faster than it actually
was since 1978 !

Fears of sea-level rise 
are nothing new.

Al Gore’s warned of a 
sea-level rise of 20 feet.

The actual measurement 
is under one inch per decade, 
for over 150 years,
based on tide gauges.

There was no observed 
acceleration from 
global warming after 
the CO2 levels 
in the atmosphere
began ramping up 
after 1940.

Sea-level rise has been 
ongoing for the past 
20,000 years, after the 
peak glaciation reversed
( Canada had been covered
by ice, along with Chicago
and Detroit )

We hear about Miami Beach, 
where sea-level rise has been 
worse than the average. 

What we don't hear 
from the dishonest 
mass media is:
  The land is sinking there,
at a rate of 3 mm per year
—equal to the sea-level rise—
( so is causing half of the problem ).