The theory that humans
are significantly changing
the Earth”s climate
by burning fossil fuels
is impossible to prove.
Of the 4.5 billion years
of Earth's history, there are
only about 44 years, from
1975 to 2019, when it was
possible that CO2 increases
could have caused the
There is no emergency,
There is no catastrophe.
But the biased
mainstream media
talks “catastrophe”
as “settled science”.
Of course natural climate
variations could easily
explain the warming.
Our planet
has vast oceans
and an atmosphere
never in equilibrium
-- that fact
Physicist Richard Feynman
once said: “Science is a belief
in the ignorance of the experts.”
Humans emit
about 9 Gigatons
of carbon (GtC) into the
atmosphere every year.
We measure an increase
of about half that on
Mauna Loa, Hawaii.
What happened to 4.5 Gt?
carbon dioxide
can't disappear.
Once mixed into the
atmosphere, we are told
CO2 remains for centuries.
But this can't be true.
Because half of the
manmade CO2
emissions vanished.
Our vast biosphere
and oceans has to
absorb that CO2.
The United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (UN IPCC)
claims CO2 stays in the air
a long time.
That claim needs to be tested.
The great increase
in human emissions
of CO2 beginning
in about 2002 as China
built many new
coal-fired power plants
has not caused
any visible change
in the linear growth
of atmospheric CO2.
This chart above
represents the four
carbon reservoirs:
Land, Atmosphere,
Surface Ocean,
and Deep Ocean.
All human carbon
begins in
the atmosphere.
Then human carbon
flows to the
other reservoirs.
The Surface Ocean
level is zero,
but the Deep Ocean
level is 155.
Carbon can’t get
to the Deep Ocean
without first adding
carbon to the
Surface Ocean,
and it can’t get there
when the flow is zero.
The land level
is negative at -30 ?
But negative is impossible.
carbon cycle
has the
level at 1.5%.
But IPCC’s
man made carbon
has the atmosphere
level at 65.7%.
IPCC treats
man made carbon
differently than
it treats natural carbon.
That violates physics.
The IPCC has
stacked the deck
to prove human
carbon emissions
cause climate change.
The atmosphere
contains about
800 GtC.
The oceans
near the surface
contain about
1,000 GtC;
Intermediate and
deep oceans
contain 38,000 GtC.
Vegetation and soils
contain 2,000 GtC;
Each year,
the ocean surface
and atmosphere
exchange an
estimated 90 GtC;
vegetation and
the atmosphere
exchange about
100 GtC of carbon;
marine biota and
the ocean surface
about 50 GtC;
and the ocean surface
and the intermediate
and deep oceans
about 40 GtC.
These carbon
exchange numbers
are huge compared
with the human
contribution of 9 GtC.
But 9 GtC is less than
the uncertainty
in our knowledge
of the natural
carbon exchanges.