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Sunday, November 17, 2019

The IPCC excludes skeptics and critics, so it can promote out of control climate models

The UN's 
IPCC authors 
are “politically 

Behind closed doors. 

No critics 
or skeptics
are allowed.

No non-consensus 
scientists are allowed.

The 6th IPCC report
( Assessment Report 6, AR6 )   
is being prepared. 

The main topic 
of IPCC reports 
is CO2 climate 

The wild guessed
effect of CO2 
on global warming.

The current wild guess
has been about the same
since the IPCC 
was formed in 1988.

It's +1.5°C to 4.5°C 
global warming 
from each 100% rise
of atmospheric CO2,
   ( aka "CO2 doubling" )
a wild guess from 
the 1970's, publicized
in the 1979 Charney

Actual global warming, 
even assuming a worst
case that CO2 caused
all the warming since 1950,
( IPCC guesses "over half" )
suggests a 
worst case 
CO2 sensitivity 
of +1.0 degrees C,
which is BELOW 
the low range 
of the 
30+ year old 
IPCC guess
of +1.5 to 4.5 
degrees C.

The obvious reaction 
to the climate model
complete failure to 
match temperature
would be to significantly 
lower the IPCC's CO2

But nothing is 
ever obvious 
in government 
climate "science".

For almost 40 years,
climate models had
been predicting double 
to quadruple the warming
that actually happened,
depending on which start 
date, and which 
global average
you choose.

After "adjustments" 
this year, we now know
the climate models are 
running even hotter 
than before !

I'm talking about the
global climate models 
expected to be used 
for the IPCCs next 
major assessment of
global warming, AR6,
due in 2021.

At least eight of the 
climate models,"
from the United States, 
the United Kingdom, 
Canada, and France, 
claim “equilibrium 
climate sensitivity” 
to be +5°C warming
per CO2 doubling, 
or more ! 

The climate modelers 
are out of control,
spewing climate 
not real science.

Of course I'm sure 
you know that 
computers "predict"
whatever programmers
tell them to predict.

The models are just 
a very complex form
of a personal opinion.

That personal opinion 
is verified only if
the resulting model 
consistently makes
good predictions.

That only happens 
with one of dozens
of models -- a Russian
model that appears 
to use a CO2 climate
sensitivity at, or below,
1.5 degrees C.

The so called
climate models 
are not real models 
of the climate change
process on our 
planet -- they are 
just computer games 
that predict whatever
their programmers 
want predicted,
and for some reason
they prefer scary 
predictions over 
accurate predictions.

Not enough is known 
about climate change 
science to construct 
a real climate model.

Without such knowledge,
a "model" that seems
to make good predictions,
such as the Russian model,
is just making a lucky guess.