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Thursday, December 26, 2019

COP-25 - Full Report = The First Civil War Within the Climate Change Movement is BIG NEWS

Changing Minds,
from Climate Junk 
Science, to Real 
Climate Science:

In the past month 
I've written that data, 
facts and logic will
NOT change minds
of coming climate 
crisis believers ...
because data, facts 
and logic never 
created their beliefs
in the first place.

What will change 
other minds is if 
believers get too
-- making many
very expensive, and
infeasible demands, 
that most taxpayers 
will reject.

Such as a $2 per gallon 
gasoline tax to subsidize
windmills and solar power.
( My theoretical example
 -- not proposed by anyone else ... yet ! )

2018 marked the start
of much more radical 
climate change beliefs 
among some of the
climate change cult
members, such as the
complete computer game
nonsense of the 
"Extinction Rebellion". 

The Green New Deal,
for another example, 
is really a new version
of the Communist 
Manifesto, with most
proposed spending,
of the $93 trillion cost 
estimate for 10 years, 
for various marxist social 
programs, that are
completely unrelated
to CO2 emissions.

I believe it is 
great news that 
2020 Democrat 
candidates for 
U.S. president
seem to support
the Green New Deal, 
oppose 'fracking',
and support open 
U.S. borders.

Those radical positions
guarantee bad results
on Election Day 2020.

We can't change leftist
minds with debate, 
but we can encourage
them to become more
radical, and more 
hysterical -- behavior
that scares most people !

So if a climate cult member
ever tells you the world 
is going to end in 12 years,
you tell them scientists 
now say six years !

Of course you made 
that factoid up ... 
and you would be 
deceiving someone,
but their unjustified
attack on fossil fuels
is an attack on your
economic growth 
and prosperity.

And never forget their 
"coming" climate crisis
is also made up !

COP-25 was the 
recent 25th annual 
of the 
UN Framework 
Convention on 
Climate Change 
     ( UNFCCC ).

I ignored COP-25 
for a while because 
it seemed that
nothing important
ever happened 
at any COP 
conference !

I now realize
something very
important, and 
happened at 

The 2015
Paris Agreement
was based on a
climate alarmist fear 
of a coming climate 
change crisis 
-- allegedly "coming" 
for over 60 years, 
yet still invisible !

Life expectancy doubled 
in the developed world 
as it warmed by roughly
+1 degree C., since 1880.

Per capita wealth
in the United States
increased by
over eleven fold. 

Climate alarmists
seem to believe 
that warming
a half-degree more
will reverse all
that progress ?

The goal of the 
Paris Agreement 
was to hold 
global warming, 
since the 
to under +2.0⁰C., 
with a further 
aspiration to keep 
it under +1.5⁰C. 

If that was really
important (it's not)
I can only wonder 
why the Agreement 
was voluntary, and 
had no enforcement 

For COP-25, 
in early 
December 2019,
over 25,000 
in Madrid
-- many coming 
by private jet.

COP-25 was
hyped as the
“action COP”.

It was actually 
a no action COP,
CO2 emissions.

But there was
'other action".

The Paris Agreement 
was attacked by
irrational, hysterical 
   " Action Now ! " 
climate extremists.

We had
the first ever
climate change
civil war !

Not the usual "war", 
climate crisis skeptics, 
climate crisis believers.

A new "war",
climate change
climate change

Climate radicals 
want real action 
now -- not "talk".

there are plans
for more talk -- 
talks will resume 
at the June 2020
Bonn, Germany 
meeting, and 
at COP-26 in 
November 2020.

The annual "climate
"change festival" 
began in September, 
with the UN Climate 
Week in Manhattan.

It ended with the 
25th Conference 
of Parties ( COP-25 ) 
of the UN Framework 
Convention on Climate 
Change ( UNFCCC ). 

Most media coverage 
of COP-25 focused on 
the lack of progress, 
both on specific technical 
issues, and failing to move 
towards more ambitious 
CO2 emissions reductions.

The Financial Times 
     said the talks 
“ended in stalemate
… as countries squabbled 
over rules for a new global 
carbon trading market”. 

International coverage 
variously described 
the COP-25 outcome 
as a: 
and  a 
  “slim deal” 
and also
  “one of the worst (COPs)
… in a quarter-century 
of climate negotiations”.

All COP's feature 
a fantasy future 
climate created
by computer game 
"climate models", 
that grossly over
predict warming.

and its subordinate 
organization, the UN 
Panel on Climate 
Change ( IPCC ), 
grossly exaggerate 
the warming effects 
of increasing carbon 
dioxide levels in the 

They ignore the 
past 325 years, 
of intermittent
'global warming
since the 1690's,
which was 
100% good news.

Since 1988, 
the UN has 
that man, 
not nature, 
is causing 

UN Secretary-General 
António Guterres started 
the Madrid COP 
by declaring: 
“For many decades 
the human species 
has been at war 
with the planet 
... And the planet 
is fighting back.” 

Nature "fights back" 
by not obeying 
computer game 
climate predictions,
-- aka "climate models" -- 
because actual 
global warming 
is only one quarter 
to one half of 
what is predicted
by the models !

Actual warming
mainly affects
higher latitudes, 
where people 
like warming, 
mainly during 
the coldest 
six months 
of the year, 
and mainly 
at night.

The locations
and timing of, 
the majority of
actual warming 
have been 
hidden by 
the use of 
a single 
global average 
statistic --
a temperature 
statistic that no one 
actually lives in.

“ Action Now ! ” 
climate change 
radicals are 
attacking the 
slow moving, 
based Paris 

The radicals 
are at war with 
climate change

These annual 
COP summits 
are normally 
exercises in 
among the 
almost 200 

Not this time.

In Madrid, Action Now! 
radicals took hard line 
positions, so COP-25 
had to stall out, and 
delegates failed to act 
on any significant issue. 

No compromise 
was possible.

Radical action 
is not part of 
the Paris 

in Madrid 
pointed out 
that most 
including major 
CO2 emitters, 
do not have to file 
new CO2 emission 
reduction plans 
until 2030. 

Extremists are furious 
that China and India, 
the first and fourth 
biggest CO2 emitters, 
have plans that allow 
unlimited CO2 emission 
increases until 2030.

And for the number two
CO2 emitter, America, 
our membership in
the Paris Accord 
officially ends 
the day before
the 2020 Glasgow
COP-26 begins
in November 2020 !

"Loss and Damage" 
means developed 
countries should 
developing countries 
for damages caused
by things like 
bad weather and 
rising seas.

Developing countries 
consistently cite losses 
caused by hurricanes, 
droughts, floods, etc., 
falsely blaming them 
on human caused 
climate change.

There is a draft report 
that calls for more study, 
and more cooperation,
but actual loss and damage
compensation is not yet
called for. 

Loss and Damage 
is going nowhere fast, 
but is still moving forward. 

COP-25 aimed to finalize 
the “rulebook” of the 
Paris Agreement
– by settling on rules 
for carbon markets 
and other forms 
of international 
under “Article 6” 
of that deal.

COP-25 was disrupted 
by a huge protest march 
through the heart of the 
Spanish capital.

Climate activist 
Greta Thunberg 
arrived just in time 
to make several 

The talks were unable 
to reach consensus 
in many areas, 
pushing decisions 
into next year, 
under “Rule 16” 
of the UN climate 

UN secretary general 
António Guterres 
said he was 
with the results
of COP-25, and that 
“the international community 
lost an important opportunity 
to show increased ambition 
on mitigation, adaptation 
& finance to tackle 
the climate crisis.”

COP25 was characterized 
by long debates, and all-night 
sessions, where negotiators 
and ministers discussed 
jargon-filled texts.

Talks quickly
bogged down 
on technical issues, 
such as the rules 
for carbon market 
which have eluded 
completion for years.

Greta Thunberg 
joined a march 
through central Madrid 
that organizers claimed
drew 500,000 people
( but local police claimed 
there were 15,000  people ).

final speech 
told people 
in the main 
hall that 
the COP 
to have 
turned into 
some kind 
of opportunity 
for countries 
to negotiate 

Shortly after, 
Ms. "thundering" 
was announced 
as Time Magazine’s 
“Person of the Year”.

Later that day, 
200 climate radicals,
and indigenous rights 
activists, were ejected 
from the main venue, 
following a protest.

The UN Environment 
Programme’s (UNEP)
Emissions Gap Report, 
released just prior
to COP-25, showed 
the +1.5 degrees C. 
warming limit goal 
of the Paris Agreement 
is “slipping out of reach”. 

Under the 2015
Paris Agreement, 
all parties committed 
to submitting nationally 
determined contributions 
(NDCs) for cutting CO2
emissions, and also to 
“update” their pledges 
by the end of 2020.

NDC was never clearly 
defined, or agreed on -- 
NDC seems like a set 
of government policies 
and programs, rather 
than specific targets for
cutting CO2 emissions.

Current NDCs 
are nowhere near 
enough to limit 
global warming 
to +1.5C.

According to the 
World Resources 
Institute NDC tracker, 
just 80 countries 
– primarily small 
developing nations --
have stated their 
intention to enhance 
their NDCs by 2020, 
representing just 
10.5% of global 
CO2 emissions. 

All the biggest emitters 
are absent from the list.

Potential good news
for Climate Alarmists:
-- On December 12 and 13, 
the European Commission 
revealed a “European 
Green Deal”.

If it ever 
becomes law, 
which is 
right now,
it will commit 
at least 25% 
of the EU’s 
budget to 
climate action !

The deal would boost 
the EU’s NDC target 
for 2030, from its 
current aim of 
cutting emissions 
to at least 40% 
below 1990 levels, 
to a higher target 
of “at least 50%, 
and towards 55%”.

Another moment 
of optimism came 
when the Danish 
parliament adopted 
a new climate law, 
setting a legally 
binding target 
to cut emissions 
to 70% below 
1990 levels 
by 2030.

Good luck 
with that !