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Thursday, December 12, 2019

EU declares climate state of emergency -- moves further toward climate crisis fascism !

The EU recently declared 
“a climate emergency” 
after a vote of 429 MEPs 
in favor and 225 against. 

A state of emergency 
is defined as follows:
"A situation in which 
a government 
is empowered 
to perform actions 
or impose policies 
that it would normally 
not be permitted 
to undertake. 

A government can declare 
such a state during a disaster, 
civil unrest, or armed conflict. 

Such declarations alert citizens 
to change their normal behavior 
and orders government agencies t
o implement emergency plans.”

EU leaders 
are now calling 
their own citizens 
“ecological vandals”.

A green fascism is 
emerging in Europe: 
1) a claimed climate crisis

2) attributable to reckless 
human behavior,

 3) urgent

4) justifies strict regulation 
of human behavior, 

and is accompanied by 

5) actions to silence dissident views.

Blaming humans 
for the ” climate crisis” 
is well underway 
across Europe.

A DPA interview 
of Green Party 
Nico Paech, 
who has called for: 
“a radical change in the 
behavior of citizens.”

Economist Paech, 
a proponent of a 
“post-growth economy 
which calls for a move 
away from consumerism 
and further economic growth", 
told the DPA that 
a majority society 
“believes it is climate 
competent, but lives 
like ecological vandals.” 

What is needed, 
said Paech, was a 
“radical reorientation”
in order to 
“drastically reduce 
the emission 
of greenhouse 
gases quickly” 
and that it was 
necessary to 
“clear out 
our lifestyles”. 

German Green Party leader 
Robert Habeck last year 
in an interview with Phoenix 
German public television, 
cited China as an example 
on how to get things done 
when citizens get in the way. 

German Chancellor 
Angela Merkel’s speech 
on freedom of expression, 
"freedom of speech 
has its limits” 
and that 
“we have to take away 
your freedom of speech, 
or else society won’t be free.”