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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Looking Back at the IPCC’s 1990 climate change forecast

The IPCC’s 1990 
projections were
for global warming of 
+0.3C. per decade
( ranging from 
+0.2C to +0.5C.,
 per decade )

Actual warming, 
even when trying 
to make the
IPCC models
look good
by using 
the warmer 
rather than 
near global 
satellite data, 
was about 
per decade 
through 2018, 
double the 
warming that 
actually happened 
 +0.3 degrees C. 
      per decade
+0.15 degrees C. 
     per decade 

With other 
start dates, 
using the satellite 
temperature data 
(which has MUCH 
better global coverage), 
and excluding the 
only climate model 
that seems to make
decent predictions 
(I NM-CM4, Russian 
Institute for Numerical 
Mathematics Climate 
Model Version 4 ), 
the IPCC prediction 
would be 
closer to triple 
the actual 
warming rate, 
rather than double.

Closer to quadruple, 
starting in 1940, 
at the beginning 
of the ramp up 
of CO2 emissions, 
( backtesting 
the climate 
models. )

Model predictions 
are least accurate 
starting in 1940, 
and using satellite 
data after they 
become available 
in 1979 .

The CO2 level 
increase from 
1940 to 1975 
did NOT cause 
any global warming
in that time period 
...  but the models,
when backtested, 
all predict warming 
from 1940 to 1975, 
because CO2 levels 
were rising.

The climate models
(falsely) assume 
CO2 levels are the
"control knob" 
       of the 
global average 

That's why their
predictions are so
inaccurate, even if
you cherry pick 
data TRYING 
to make 
the models
look good !

The Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC) 
was established in 1988, 
by the World Meteorological 
Organization (WMO) and the 
UN Environment Programme

The alleged goal 
was to provide
'objective’ scientific
information on 
climate change. 

But the IPCC was
NEVER objective.

Because the UN's 
actual goal 
was to use the 
IPCC to demonize 
fossil fuel use, 
by claiming that
burning fossil fuels
will cause a future 
climate crisis. 

31 years later, we are 
still waiting patiently 
for the alleged climate 
crisis to arrive !

Some scientists 
began predicting 
a climate crisis
since 1957.

Our planet has had 
4.5 billion years of 
NATURAL climate 

began with 
a false conclusion 
-- assuming,
with no evidence,
that all NATURAL 
causes of 
climate change 
were no longer

So every change 
of the climate, 
after the IPCC 
was formed, 
could ONLY 
be blamed 
on humans, 
true or not, 
there was 
no other 
choice !

That false 
assumption about 
NATURAL causes 
of climate change
means the IPCC 
never cared about 
real climate science.

The UN's IPCC’s initial 
1990 forecasts of 
global warming have
shaped current global 
‘climate change’ policies. 

But the IPCC’s forecasts 
have consistently, and 
grossly, overstated 
the global warming 
that actually happens.

The CO2 - temperature 
change "formula" 
the IPCC prefers 
for predictions 
is from the 1970s.

The IPCC has never 
rejected the formula, 
even after it grossly 
global warming 
for many decades.

In fact, the next IPCC
report is expected to 
predict an even faster
rate of global warming,
in spite of over predicting
warming for 31 years !

The IPCC is obviously
not a real scientific 
organization -- it is a 
political organization !

The IPCC is a political 
organization, with the goal 
of demonizing man made 
CO2 emissions.

The IPCC goal, which has 
not changed since formation
in 1988, is to promote the UN 
as a global government 
to control global energy use,
and "fight" climate change.

The IPCC consistently, 
and falsely, claims Earth's 
climate has barely changed 
in the past 10,000 years.

In reality there have been 
significant temperature 
trends from natural causes:

-- 20,000 years ago:
Canada was covered 
by a thick ice glacier,
along with Chicago 
and Detroit.

-- Then the warmer than today
Holocene Climate Optimum 
(9,000 BC to 5,000 BC), 
and the

-- Minoan Warm period 
(c. 1500 BC), 

-- Roman Warm Period 
(250 BC to 400 AD),

-- Medieval Warm Period 
(950 to 1250), and 

-- Little Ice Age 
(1350 to 1750).

-- Modern Warming
(1750 to tbd)

The IPCC produced 
five climate change 
assessment reports, 
in 1990, 1996, 2001, 
2007 and 2014.

The First Assessment Report 
in 1990 created the false 
idea that climate change 
was a serious problem.

Global warming, 
which is now called 
"climate change", 
was claimed to be 
a challenge with 
global consequences, 
requiring international 

Future IPCC reports 
said the same thing.

There would be 
an average rate 
of increase of global 
mean temperature 
during the next century
of about +0.3
per decade
 (with a range of 
+0.2 to +0.5
  per decade), 
assuming the 
IPCC Scenario A 
(business-as usual) 
CO2 emissions.

The IPCC had estimated 
that temperatures in 1990 
were about +1C higher
than in the pre-industrial 
period, which was identified 
as "pre-1750". 

are just a guess.

But we do know 1750 
was part of the cool 
Little Ice Age period 
-- not a pleasant climate 
that anyone would call 

The IPCC’s claim 
was that by 2025, 
would be about 
+1C higher 
than in 1990.

And +3C higher 
than in 1990, 
before the end of 
the 21st century.

In the IPCC's Fifth 
Assessment (2014), 
they chose to compare 
temperatures with 

There are some real time 
temperature data for 
1850 to 1900, but almost 
entirely data from the 
Northern Hemisphere 
... with a very haphazard 
methodology used for 
N.H. ocean measurements

The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment 
(2014) concluded that the 
global surface temperature 
increase by the end of 
the 21st century was ‘likely’ 
to exceed +1.5C relative 
to the 1850–1900 period, 
but was ‘likely’ 
to stay below +2.0C, 
in a few scenarios, 
and below +3C, 
in most scenarios.

The IPCC had slightly
downgraded forecasts
of the ‘warming’ to be
expected by the end 
of the 21st century, 
compared with their 
1990 assessment.

There are two main ways 
of compiling a global 
average temperature:

Surface Temperatures: 
(U.K.  Met Office’s Hadley Centre 
and the UEA’s Climatic 
Research Unit)

(NASA’s Goddard Institute 
for Space Studies) 

(US National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration).

Satellite Temperatures:
-- University 
of Alabama
at Huntsville 

-- Remote Sensing 
Systems (RSS).

Satellite data are measured 
in the troposphere, where 
the relevant greenhouse gas 
effect takes place. 

The laws of physics 
tell us that a warming 
troposphere should warm 
the surface of our planet 
... but could NOT warm 
the surface more than 
the troposphere 
had warmed. 

Unfortunately, the
surface temperature
consistently show 
MORE warming than
satellite temperature

I write "measurements" 
in parentheses because 
many surface areas 
have no thermometers, 
and many surface 
weather stations 
do not provide 
consistent monthly 
data over a long 
period of time.

The surface is divided 
into thousands of 
grid cells.

In any given month,
over half the grid cells 
include wild guess 
temperatures for 
the entire cell, 
or wild guesses
for one of more 
weather stations 
in a the cell. 

The government bureaucrats 
who make those wild guesses, 
for missing temperature data, 
WANT lots of global warming. 

Their primary employer, 
the U.S. government, 
wants a coming climate crisis 
to be predicted, so belief in 
a coming climate crisis 
was mandatory for science
bureaucrats getting hired i
n the first place.

Of course, once they predict 
a coming global warming 
crisis, science bureaucrats 
want their predictions to be right. 

They know that
most of their jobs 
would not be needed 
if there was honesty 
about the climate -- 
the current climate 
is wonderful, has been 
getting better for over 
300 years, and the 
coming climate crisis, 
predicted since 1957, 
is a false boogeyman.

“It is difficult to get a man 
to understand something, 
when his salary depends 
on his not understanding it.”
        Upton Sinclair

A coming climate crisis 
belief gives politicians 
a boogeyman -- a reason 
to ramp up government 
spending and power.

Leftists politicians 
live for more power !

And even better for them, 
they demand more power 
while virtue signaling 
-- (falsely) claiming 
they NEED the power 
only because they are 
trying to save the planet 
for the children !

bureaucrats with 
science degrees 
are given the 
to create 
global warming 
'out of thin air', 
when "infilling" 
the missing 
temperature data. 

That's a huge 
conflict of interest.

Climate science 
is not "settled"
by the very 
political IPCC,
because the IPCC:

Starts with a conclusion, 

Ignores 31 years 
of their very wrong 
climate predictions,

Allows politicians 
to write the final draft
of their "Summary for 
releasing the thick
scientific backup reports
MANY months later, 
with no press release,
knowing that no one 
in the media will ever 
compare the two 
of books !

Is supported by 
a biased "free press" 
that loves climate 
doom stories, 
and acts as the 
public relations
of the IPCC.

A "free press"
that could not 
care less about 
three decades 
of the IPCC 
global warming !