At COP-25,
Princeton physicist
William Happer
spoke on the
“false pretenses of
a climate emergency”
and called the
climate protection
movement a
The distinguished
professor said:
“It’s too bad we are here
on false pretenses,
wasting our time talking
about a non-existent
climate emergency.”
Happer added:
“I hope
sooner or later
enough people
will recognize
the phoniness
of this bizarre
cult and bring it
to an end.”
Happer warned
leading politicians
against viewing
combatting CO2
as a religion, and
cautioned it
could end up
badly when
millions of people
become obsessed
with a
single delusion
and become
stark-raving mad
at climate.
He said there’s been
“so much brainwashing
that it’s going to be difficult
to bring people back to reality.”
The distinguished professor
said the focus needs to be
on pollution, and not CO2,
and that solar energy and
wind energy blight the
environment and don’t work
very well.
With only very little
impact on climate
On the physics
of CO2 trapping heat,
Happer presents a CO2
chart and suggests that
doubling the CO2
concentration in the air
will have very little impact
on climate and that he
“can guarantee that no one
who knows anything
about science can dispute
this curve. That’s the truth.”
Taking action based
on the curves that show
CO2 has little effect,
Happer says, this is
“absolute madness.”
The Princeton physicist
also believes climate models
greatly exaggerate the warming
and that the trace gas (CO2)
is in fact beneficial to the planet.
Today atmospheric
concentrations ( of CO2 )
are extremely low
compared to previous
geological times:
The extra CO2 recently added
into the atmosphere has in fact
led to a greening of the planet,
Happer shows.
Happer called the often
claimed 97% consensus
among scientists “phony”
and that science is
determined by observation,
“not votes”.
is often wrong,”
Happer showed.
Happer summarized
that CO2’s impact
has been exaggerated
“by a factor of 2 to 4”,
and that overall
a little extra CO2
in the atmosphere
is beneficial
to vegetation
and agriculture.
The whole
CO2 / climate worry
“is absolutely
It’s a cult,”
Happer concluded.