The exact effect
of adding CO2
to our atmosphere,
by burning fossil
fuels, is unknown.
Some amount of
global warming
is expected,
based on
lab experiments,
but the amount
is unknown.
Based on actual warming
in the past 100 years,
climate change has been
harmless for humans,
at worst, and beneficial
for green plants, at best.
The exact effect
of CO2 levels
on temperature
may be unknown
for another century.
Possible feedbacks
are unknown,
even whether they are
positive or negative.
The exact causes
of climate change
remain unknown,
with no way
to calculate
the percentage
of climate change
with natural causes,
and the percentage
with man made causes.
One problem is that
estimates of the
historical global
average temperature
are inaccurate until
the use of temperature
data from satellites in
Even worse, historical
temperatures are
repeatedly "revised" by
government bureaucrats,
almost always creating
MORE global warming
out of thin air !
Every climate change in the
past 140 years could have
had 100% natural causes.
There were no unusual
climate changes that even
suggested man made
The correlation
between CO2 levels,
and the global
average temperature,
has repeatedly changed
-- evidence that CO2
is NOT the climate
"control knob":
1910 to 1940:
Weak positive correlation
1940 to 1975
Negative correlation
1975 to 2005
Strong positive correlation
2005 to mid-2015
No correlation
The climate in 100 years
is unknown, even whether
it will be warmer or cooler.
The only climate
change fact
that we “know”
with confidence,
is that the warm
Holocene inter-glacial
we currently live in
will end, maybe
next year, or maybe
in 1,000 years.
And when it does end,
and 90,000 years
of global cooling begins,
today’s global warming
will be remembered as
“the good old days”.
The effect of CO2
on the global average
temperature can only
be guessed at,
based on closed
system laboratory
experiments, using
artificially dried air.
The experiments suggest
any CO2 warming effect
would be mild and harmless.
The worst case for CO2,
by assuming ONLY CO2
causes global warming,
would be a harmless
+1 degree C. warming
from the CO2 level doubling
( up 100% ), which would
take at least one century.
There is no evidence of any
water vapor positive feedback
that triples the warming effect
of CO2 alone.
Leftists can’t
be honest, and
report harmless
( actually pleasant )
global warming,
that is reality !
Because they
want to scare people,
and scaring people
requires predicting
a future climate that's
much different than
the past 325 years
of global warming.
Predicting a coming
climate change crisis
has almost nothing
to do with real science.
The coming climate crisis
is an imaginary boogeyman,
used by leftists to increase
government power, while
they falsely claim more
government power is needed
“to save the planet
for the children”.
“Saving the planet”
is the new way to “sell”
socialism and Marxism,
and the slow economic
growth they are both
known for.
In fact, slow
economic growth
can be "sold"
as good news --
slower growth
means fewer
CO2 emissions !
The coming
climate crisis,
coming since 1957,
according to some
(Roger Revelle),
is propaganda
that appears
to be working.
We humans
are living in the
best climate
in at least
800 to 1,000 years,
since before
the Little Ice Age
centuries began,
yet few people
are interested
in climate history,
or even enjoying
the current climate !
The coming climate
crisis “cult”
tends to attract
people who dismiss
conventional religions.
After about 325 years
of mild, intermittent
global warming,
since the cold 1690s,
during the Little Ice Age’s
Maunder Minimum …
those of us who prefer
real science can not
get Climate Alarmists
to admit that the past
325 years of mild
global warming
was good news
( probably a total of
about +2 degrees C. ) !
Global warming,
along with more CO2
in the air,
support more life
on our planet
— we can’t get
Climate Alarmists
to admit that !
We can’t even get
Climate Alarmists
to admit there was
a Little Ice Age !
Data, facts and logic
will NOT change minds
of Climate Alarmists …
because data, facts
and logic never
created their beliefs
in the first place !
What will change
(other) minds
is if the
“fossil fuels
are evil believers”
get even
more radical
— making many very
expensive, and infeasible,
demands, that most
taxpayers will reject.
In real science,
using a 1975 “formula”
for CO2’s effect on
the average temperature
( +1.5 to +4.5 degrees C.
per CO2 level doubling )
would have been rejected
decades ago — because
warming predictions
using that formula
have ranged from
2x to 4x the actual
global warming.
In climate junk science,
a wild guess scary claim
for the future climate
is made, stated with
great certainty
(at least stated loudly),
and never changed.
Bad climate news
is always coming
in the future,
but never arrives.
The only prediction change
allowed is to say “it’s worse
than we originally thought”,
or, better yet —
“it’s worse than worse
than we originally thought” !
The coming climate crisis
is the biggest science fraud
in the history of our planet.
Attempts to “stop”
climate change are a
shameful waste of money,
that could have been used
to help the one billion people
on Earth, who are so poor
that they have no electricity.
They have to burn wood
and dried animal dung
to cook their food.
But never mind that --
what leftists really want
is more political power,
to micro-manage
YOUR life.
So why should
they care about
one billion people
with no electricity
… who can
only dream about
being able to afford
coal for cooking
their food !