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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Thank you for 50,000 page views

48,000 on December 9
49,000 on December 12
50,000 on December 14

50,000 is a major
milestone, so I have
prepared a five hour
speech for you.

Unfortunately, my cat
ate it, and this is all
I could dismember:

And in conclusion,
the coming climate
change crisis
has been "coming" 
since 1957, per
Roger Revelle,
but never arrives !

No one knows 
what the climate 
will be like 
in 100 years, 
or in 10 years,
or in one year. 

The climate will change.

And for our planet,
a warmer climate,
and more CO2 
in the atmosphere, 
supports more life.

Based on the geologic
history of our planet.
the current climate 
is unusually cool, 
and the CO2 level
is unusually low.

Anyone who wants 
a cooler climate, with
less CO2 in the air,
has completely ignored 
thousands of real science 
studies, preferring
climate junk science.

Instead of the
always wrong,
computer game, 
wild guesses 
about the 
future climate, 
how about learning
from experience ?

We have been in a 
global warming period 
since the 1690s -- 
the mild warming
since then has been 
100% good news.

Only a fool, or a leftist,
(I repeat myself) would
want that trend to stop.

No one knows 
how much 
global warming 
was man made,
and how much 
was natural.

We do know that 
no one blamed
man made CO2 
for the many
warming periods 
in the past 
4.5 billion years, 
before the 
20th century. 

I refute climate change 
because I do not like
being lied to by leftists
... or by any one else.

It's unfortunate that truth
is not a leftist value.

Richard Greene,
since 1953

since 1965
Favorite song
this week:
Josh Turner
"Your Man"

since 1973

State University 
of New York, 
at Albany, 1975

Stern School 
of Business,
at New York 
University, 1977

Editor of an
and finance
since 1977
( named "ECONOMIC
LOGIC" since 1981 )

Married to 
wonderful wife,
since 1983,
and had only one fight 
since then ... it started in 1984, 
and has not yet concluded !
(heh heh)

Living in 
Bingham Farms, 
since 1987

Retired, lazy bum, 
since January 2005

Editor of the 
Economic Logic Blog,
since 2008

Editor of this
Honest Global
Warming Chart Blog,
since 2014

Editor of the 
Election Circus
politics blog,
since 2016 

that global warming
appears to have 
skipped Michigan !

Does not speak French,
but likes French fries.

Favorite philosophers:
- Lawrence "Yogi" Berra
- Groucho Marx

My Favorite Quote:
“Politics is the art 
of looking for trouble, 
finding it everywhere, 
diagnosing it incorrectly, 
and applying the wrong remedies.” 
           Groucho Marx