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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The emotional toll of climate change

Since 1997, I've read 
articles about real 
climate science and 
climate science studies, 
when I can handle 
the math, as a hobby.

I learned all the math 
needed for those studies 
in 1971, 1972  and 1973, 
while studying to be 
an engineer at the 
Rochester Institute 
of Technology. 

Then I forgot it all 
in five minutes, 
after changing 
my major to finance.

In addition to 
real science, I also 
read articles by
junk climate 
(less than 10%) 
... so you 
won't have to !

A recent junk science 
article from from was titled:
"The Emotional Toll 
of Climate Change on 
Science Professionals"

 It started with:
"We represent 
a broad spectrum 
of Earth science 
professionals ... " 

And the next to last 
paragraph started with:
"Climate change 
is the great challenge 
of this generation. 

In contrast to the 
enormous body 
of research and 
discussion involving 
climate change, 
insufficient attention 
has been paid to the 
emotional well-being 
of those working on it."

I almost started laughing, 
but so may leftists 
are deluded, about 
so many subjects, 
that it's not funny 

Leftists live in a world 
of emotions and beliefs 
-- any narrative 
they like will
trump actual 
data and facts. 

Climate change is not 
a great challenge, I say.

It is not a challenge at all.

The climate has been 
getting better for 325 years, 
and no one with sense 
would want that kind 
of climate change to end.

The current climate 
is the best climate for humans 
in hundreds of years -- possibly 
since 5,000 years ago, when the 
warmer Holocene Optimum 
period, of our current warm 
Holocene inter-glacial, ended.

 But I'm talking about leftists here.

In their always wandering minds, 
past climate change has nothing 
to do with future climate change.

And if the climate changes 
in the future, then the change 
MUST BE bad news.

How about the emotional 
well being of people 
who have been hearing about 
a coming global warming crisis 
since 1957 (oceanographer 
Roger Revelle) ... as the 
climate keeps getting better ?

How about the emotional 
well being of people 
who are living in an 
unusually good climate 
(Earth is too cold, 
90% of the time) 
but can't enjoy it, because of 
leftist scaremongering 
about some imaginary future 
climate crisis ... 
coming for over 60 years ... 
that never shows up ? 

I say insufficient attention 
has been paid to the 
emotional well-being 
of those listening 
to the decades 
of scaremongering 
about the fantasy 
of a coming 
climate "crisis".

Leftists' children 
are being brainwashed 
to fear the future climate.

But not the end 
of the inter-glacial, 
which is coming some day, 
based on real science
... expected to bring 
90,000 years of cooling weather, 
ending with all of Canada 
under an ice glacier again 
( assuming past cycles, 
based on cyclical changes 
in planetary geometry, 
repeat themselves ).

I'm lucky.

Because it took me 
only one hour of reading, 
in 1997, to come to the
 conclusion that humans 
had no ability to predict 
the future climate -- 
not even one year 
into the future, and 
certainly not 100 years 
into the future !

The inability to predict 
the future climate 
is still true.

I hope NOT knowing 
what the future climate 
will be, does not put 
any strain on you.