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Thursday, December 12, 2019

We are in the fourth era of tall tales of catastrophic climate change ... that never shows up !

In 1895, 
Grover Cleveland 
was president.

The New York Times announced
the coming of a new ice age. 

Early concerns over a new ice age 
"lasted well into the late 1920s," 
report R. Warren Anderson and 
Dan Gainor in "Fire and Ice," 
an in-depth historical 
retrospective of 
media obsession 
with climate change. 

Then Earth’s surface 
warmed less than 
half a degree.

The Times cautioned
“the earth is steadily 
growing warmer.”

By 1954, Fortune magazine 
was warming to another 
cooling trend and ran 
an article titled: 
“Climate – the Heat May Be Off.” 

The New York Times ran 
warming stories 
into the late 1950s, 
but by 1975, 
the paper reported: 
“A Major Cooling Widely 
Considered to Be Inevitable.”

Six years later, 
on Aug. 22, 1981, 
the Times quoted seven 
government atmospheric 
scientists who predicted 
global warming of an 
“almost unprecedented 

The print 
news media 
have warned of 
four separate 
climate changes 
in slightly more 
than 100 years:
(1) global cooling, 
(2) global warming, 
(3) global cooling, and, 
(3) global warming 

How is it that only people 
on the left can allegedly 
understand long-term 
climate prediction?

Ocasio-Cortez' own 
former chief of staff, 
was Saikat Chakrabarti.

In a story reported 
by the Washington Post, 
Chakrabarti admitted: 
"The interesting thing 
about the Green New Deal 
is it wasn't originally 
a climate thing at all. 

Do you guys think of it 
as a climate thing?" 
asked Chakrabarti.

Because we really 
think of it as a 
-the-entire-economy thing."