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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Rich folks lecture about the evils of fossil fuels, while most of the world only gets to use a fraction of the energy they do

6.0 billion people,
of the world's 
7.5 billion people, 
use between 
1 and 14 barrels 
of oil equivalent 
energy per person, 
per year.

The poorest 
1.0 billion people
use an average
of only one 
single barrel 
of oil equivalent 
per person, 
per year -- 
mainly burning 
wood and dried 
animal dung !

How can we 
    (in Canada)
lecture them on 
climate change,
while burning 
64 barrels 
per person,
per year ?

So, who wants
to climate change 
lecture a very poor 
African mother,
cooking a 
scanty meal 
over a dung fire, 
while her children 
blink and cough 
from the smoke ?

The Canadian 
energy executive
Chris Slubicki of 
Modern Resources 
is an engineer. 

He realizes poor people 
all around the world 
would love to use 
more oil, gas and coal. 

Slubicki takes 
the environment 
seriously, but 
then he also 
recognizes reality, 
and explains it well:

to Slubicki, 
of the world's 
7.5 billion people, 
Canada belongs to 
the elite 1.5 billion 
who use, on average, 
the energy equivalent 
of 34 barrels of oil 
every year. 

The next tier 
of 2.5 billion 
use the 
of 14 barrels 
per person 
per year.

And the next 
tier of 2.5 billion 
people use 
just 4 barrels 
per person 
per year. 

The top 1.5 billion 
may use 34 barrels 
equivalent a year. 

But Canadians use
about 64 barrels of 
oil equivalent 
per person 
per year. 
Canada is 
a cold country 
with long distances 
to travel, and has
a high standard 
of living.

The poor countries 
are in need of cheap 
fossil fuel energy, 
that works 100% 
of the time.

So global fossil fuel needs 
are going to keep growing. 

Slubicki says the world
will get their oil and gas 
from somewhere
-- from thugs and dictators, 
if the democracies won't 
sell them any.