'Green' is the
new buzzword
among leftists.
you turn today,
there are only
two hot topics:
(1) Climate Change, and
(2) Impeaching Trump.
The very generic
impeachment charges
are not even crimes,
much less "high crimes".
The Democrats
use "the trial"
as a public forum
to make up
false charges,
and events that
never happened.
No connection
with reality
seems required,
and 95% of the
media will never
question the
fake charges,
and false
statements !
Similarly, 'greens'
used Davos 2020,
an economics forum,
to make up false
claims about the
future climate --
events that will
never happen.
No connection
with the reality
of past climate
change seems
to be required
-- it's going to
be different,
they claim --
and 95% of the
media will never
question the
fake climate
Scary climate
predictions started
in the late 1950's,
and ramped up a lot
32 years ago,
in 1988, when the
UN formed the IPCC.
You'd think 95%
of the media would
report about
how many decades
people have been
hearing the false
scary predictions
of climate doom ?
They don't.
The current climate
is wonderful,
and is getting better,
if it keeps warming.
You'll never hear
that truth.
Greta "thundering"
Thunberg is a junk
climate science
"trained parrot",
and a very angry
mental case.
She gets an
amount of attention,
for a teenage high
school dropout !
The 'green'
is being touted
by almost
everyone now.
'Green' has
ramped up
even more
with Alexandria
Coherent (AOC) ,
and her 2018
Green New Deal.
The Green New Deal,
actually stolen from
the Green Party,
reads like the
latest version
of the Communist
Manifesto -- most
of the proposals,
and most of the costs,
are for social programs,
with no connection
to energy use,
or CO2 emissions.
Even heads of
major Central Banks,
are talking 'green'.
It started with new
European Union
Central Bank
Christine Lagarde.
who made the first
central bank
about the need
for "fighting"
climate change",
through many
Green initiatives,
fueled by
monetary policy.
This will require
tens of trillions
of dollars in
new spending
to implement
the changes
needed to "fight
climate change".
After Lagarde,
we heard from
Mark Carney,
head of the
Bank of England,
who showed us
a ridiculous
map of Florida,
before and after
an alleged 9 foot rise
in global sea levels.
Carney said
because of the
massive losses
from climate change (?),
many pension funds
would go bankrupt (?).
When high school
dropout, angry
Greta Thunberg,
was invited
to speak at
United Nations
in late 2019,
and also at
in early 2020,
then we know
'going green'
is now the official
'leftist global policy'.
Why is there so much
climate hysteria now,
many skeptics wonder ?
One reason is to attack
President Trump, which
started in 2015,
and apparently
will never end.
Leftists know Trump
can't respond
to them with real
climate science,
because he seems
unable, or unwilling,
to learn enough
about real climate
science to speak
on the subject,
off the cuff,
for even
one minute.
The Green New Deal
is much more
about implementing
socialism / Marxism
in the United States,
than about a full
conversion to using
"renewable energy".
I'm going to put on
my Finance MBA hat,
and guess about
the motives:
The Green
New Deal
is an excuse
for central banks
to "print" a large
amount of money
to deal with the
next financial crisis.
Last time they
lots of money,
they blamed it
on the greed
of Wall Street.
For a couple of years
we've been hearing
about MMT,
( Modern Monetary Theory )
a fancy pants term
for central banks
"printing" money.
Excuses for
printing money
could be funding
socialist programs
such as:
Universal Basic Income,
Earned Income Tax Credits,
or the Green New Deal .
The Green
New Deal,
allegedly to
save the planet
for the children,
seems like
the best excuse
for central banks
to "print" money.
But ...
the new money
would mainly go
to save broke
-- unable to
completely fund
their promises
of pensions and
health care for
government retirees,
and "senior citizen
welfare" programs
for all other retirees.
"Printing" money
in modern times
is the electronic
creation of new
purchasing power,
out of thin air,
used by central
banks to buy
government debt
on the open market.
For the U.S.,
Interest income
coming in from the
government bonds,
is used to fund
the expenses
of the central bank,
and the rest (most)
of the interest
is returned to
the government.
Remember that
the US Federal Reserve
Bank is owned by member
banks -- the Fed it is NOT
a government agency.