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Monday, January 6, 2020

Thinking about Australian wildfires rationally, not emotionally

Australia is 
in the middle 
of its annual
fire season. 

It has been
an unusually 
bad season.

People cause 
most wild fires.

A small percentage
are deliberate arson.

Police revealed 
over 100 of the 
destructive fires 
that hit Queensland 
since September 
were deliberately lit.

About 100 people,
1/3 adults and
2/3 juveniles,
have been dealt with 
by Queensland police, 
for deliberately 

One 16-year-old boy 
started a fire that 
burned 14 homes 
in central Queensland 
and he was dealt with 
under the state’s 
Youth Justice Act.

Is there 
any evidence 
that people will 
start more fires 
because it’s
slightly warmer 
than a year ago ?

Of course not.

Fires are more severe 
if there is more fuel 
for them.

The aborigines conducted
frequent controlled burnings 
of the scrub on the forest floor.

They did that to prevent 
bush fires, that they knew 
about, from thousands 
of years’ experience.

In 1642:
Abel Tasman wrote of 
the smoke in the sky 
and the scorched trees 
wherever his expedition 

In 1770:
Captain James Cook 
described the 
same conditions.

This deliberate
burning created
that dominated 

Four methods 
of hindering 
the spread 
of bush fires:

(1) Prescribed burning

(2) Livestock grazing, 

(3) Mechanical 
clearance of the 
scrub brush
creating firebreaks; 

(4) Damming streams, 
to keep well-stocked 
reservoirs, with enough
water to put out fires.

(5) Policing the forests
to prevent arson, some
that may be started 
by "environmentalist
extremists" trying to 
raise awareness”
of global warming. 

Is there any evidence 
that fuel has been 
allowed to build up, 
to keep the forests 
“natural”, and 
prescribed burns 
have been reduced 
by regulations ?

Yes there is.
( both were also true 
in California, USA )

there been 
drought in 
before ?

Of course !

had record 
hot weather 
the late 1800s, 
that the corrupt 
Bureau of 
decided no one 
needs to know
about that
— apparently 
they feel that
were not capable 
of reading 
a thermometer 
in the late 1800s,
so all the 
at the time
were wrong !

The climate 
of our planet 
is the best 
it has been 
for humans, 
animals and 
plants in 800 
to 1,000 years — 
since before the 
relatively cold 
Little Ice Age 

If you want 
to blame fires 
in Australia
on the wonderful 
overall climate 
of our planet, 
then you are 
a science denier.

November 2019, 
fires have struck 
various regions 
of the state 
of New South Wales, 
destroying thousands 
of buildings and killing 
dozens of people.

"Buildings" or 
will usually include 
more than just 
homes, stores
and offices --
backyard sheds,
garages and 
chicken coops
would be 
counted too. )

"Bush fires" 
are common 
in Australia,

Of course
the climate 
always blame
global warming.

According to many 
people investigating 
the bush fires, 
arson is to blame 
for much devastation 
caused during this 
bush fire season
-- more than usual.

Other causes for the fires 
include lightning strikes 
and a natural weather 
phenomenon called Dipole, 
both of them unrelated to 
man-made climate change.

‘green’ policies 
prevent land owners 
from clearing 
their own vegetation 
to protect themselves.

All state and federal 
bush fire studies, 
over the past decade, 
had recommended 
much increased 
“prescribed burning”.

Prescribed burning
is a hazard reduction --
burning off dry brush, 
in a controlled fashion, 
so it does not fuel 
big summer bush fires.

The bush fires raging 
across Australia 
have already killed 
hundreds of millions 
of animals.

In the southern 
seaside resort town 
of Mallacoota, in the 
East Gippsland 
region of Victoria,
over 4,000 people 
were forced 
to take refuge 
on the beach, 
and in boats, 
viewing an 
scene, with a 
dark orange sky.

Rescue teams 
are still struggling 
to reach people
in some rural areas.

Reality is 
that suitable 
for bush fires 
do happen 
every year 
in that part 
of the world. 

Every year, 
It will always 
get dry enough 
for bush fires, 
( there comes 
a point where brush 
can’t get any drier. )

The worst 
recorded fire 
in Australia 
was in 1851

The CO2 level 
at the time
was allegedly
yet five million 
hectares went up 
in flames !

And no one blamed
"climate change".