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Thursday, February 20, 2020

$10 Billion "Jeff Bezos Earth Fund" Launched To Fight Climate Change

The world's 
richest man 
announced that 
he is committing 
$10 billion to fight 
climate change:

"Today, I’m thrilled 
to announce 
I am launching 
the Bezos Earth Fund.⁣⁣

Climate change 
is the biggest threat 
to our planet. 

I want to work 
alongside others 
both to amplify 
known ways and to 
explore new ways 
of fighting the 
devastating impact 
of climate change 
on this planet 
we all share. 

This global initiative 
will fund scientists, 
activists, NGOs 
— any effort 
that offers 
a real possibility 
to help preserve 
and protect 
the natural world. 

We can save Earth. 

It’s going to take 
collective action 
from big companies, 
small companies, 
nation states, 
global organizations, 
and individuals. 

I’m committing 
$10 billion to start 
and will begin 
issuing grants 
this summer. 

Earth is the one thing 
we all have in common 
— let’s protect it, together.⁣⁣⁣
- Jeff"

Left unsaid:
 Bezos expects 
his own investment 
to lead to far more 
to the ESG ETFS
climate change 

Future investors 
will donate to 
the ESG ETFS, 
where Bexos's 
Amazon stock 
( with Amazon's army 
of internal combustion 
engine delivery trucks ! )
is one of the top 
investment holdings.

Assuming the money 
is pouring in faster 
than grants are made, 
the contributions 
will bid up the price 
of Amazon stock.

Nice to know:
Readers of the Honest 
Global Warming Chart 
blog know much more 
about real climate science 
than the richest man 
in the world !  

When he claims 
"Climate change 
is the biggest threat 
to our planet. ", 
it makes me 
burst out 

The slight 
after 1975 
has been 
great news.

The warming has 
mainly been in high 
( cold ) latitudes, 
mainly in the coldest 
six months of the year, 
and mainly at night.  

Bezos must believe 
that the warmer 
winter nights 
in Alaska 
have been 
bad news ... 
so slightly warmer 
future winter nights 
in Alaska will be: 
"the biggest threat 
to our planet" ?

not only is Bezos 
the richest man 
in the world, 
but Bezos also has 
a sense of humor.

Warmer winter nights
in Alaska would be 
a catastrophe ?

Bezos has started 
a climate change
investment fund 
where his 
own company
is the third largest 
investment !