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Thursday, February 27, 2020

100% renewables has already been done ... successfully

The Roman 
Empire had
and thrived, 
for centuries, 
with nothing
but renewables ! 

If they 
could do it, 
then we 
could do it 
too !

Of course 
we'd need
to accept 
the same 
living standards 
as the Romans 
( similar to the
240 million 
people in India 
living without
electricity ).

It will get 
very dark 
at night.

It will get 
very cold 
in the winter.

It will get 
very hot 
in the summer.

It will take 
a long time 
to travel
by foot, 
or by horse, 
or by sailboat. 

No gasoline.
No jet fuel.
No heating oil
No plastics.

No natural gas
No nuclear
No coal.

No problem !

Just 100% 
renewables !