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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Australia bush fire history -- real data, no wild speculation here

Australia is 
the world’s 
most fire-prone 

In 1900, 11% 
of its surface 
burned annually. 

These days, 5% 
of the country 
burns every year. 

Bushfires are NOT 
worse than ever.

Bushfires are NOT 
caused by 
global warming.

Bushfires will NOT 
be reduced by a 
reduction in 
CO2 emissions.

Since 1900, 
wildfire burnt area 
has declined by 
more than one-third.

Australia’s burnt area 
also declined by 
more than one third 
from 1900 to 2000, 
and has declined 
even more after 

For Australia, 
satellites show that 
from 1997 to 2018
 the burnt area 
declined by one-third. 

This fire season, 
2.5% of 
Australia’s area 
has burned, 
compared with 
the past 10 years’ 
4.8% average,
by this point.

Australia’s current 
fire season:
 As of 
January 26, 2020,
bushfires burned 
19.4 million hectares 
in Australia — 
about half the 
average burn over 
the similar timeframe, 
of 37 million hectares,
in the satellite record. 
( Satellites actually show 
46 million hectares burnt, 
on average, but 
9 million hectares 
are likely from 
prescribed burns,
for a net burn of 37
million hectares ).

What's different 
this fire season:
  Fires were mostly 
in NSW and Victoria,
important states 
with about half 
the country’s 
population ...
and many of 
its media outlets,
who prefer to ignore 
the remaining 87%
of Australia, where 
the burned area 
has declined.