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Thursday, February 27, 2020

India's Energy Market Overhaul -- What Are They Doing ?

The energy overhaul 
announced last year 
by Prime Minister 
Narendra Modi’s 
Bharatiya Janata Party, 
had a lifetime price tag 
of more than $1.4 trillion. 

Officials said
the government 
might provide grants 
to power suppliers 
who meet certain 
conditions set by 

Officials said 
the nation’s 
of about 366 GW 
is expected to rise 
to nearly 620 GW 
in 2025, up +69%, 
with about half of 
that new capacity 
coming from 
fossil fuels: 
coal, natural gas, 
lignite, and 
power plants. 

Those fossil fuel 
sources account for 
about 63% of today's 
existing generation 

India has several 
energy related problems: 
An amazing 240 million 
people without electricity !

Heavy air pollution 
in major cities, 
that has to be 

The government 
already extended 
a December 2017 
deadline for coal plants 
to install emissions
-reduction technology. 

India’s Central 
Control Board had 
threatened to close 
coal power plants 
on January 1, 2020 
if the facilities had not 
installed equipment 
to cut emissions 
of sulfur oxides.

Just 1 of 11 power 
generators in the 
New Delhi region, 
for one example 
of a polluted city, 
had installed the 
equipment as of 
that date.

No action 
was taken 
to shutter 
any of the
coal plants.

In December 2019, 
Reuters reported 
more than half of India’s 
coal-fired power plants
( 94% of the coal-fired units 
that had been ordered 
to install emissions
-reduction equipment ), 
would likely miss 
their January 1, 2020 

Financially struggling 
utilities need to be 
more efficient.

A prior effort, 
launched in 2015, 
to make the country’s 
energy retailers profitable 
by March 2019, did not 
reach its goal. 

The prior plan called for 
reducing revenue lost 
from theft, and poor 
billing practices, to an 
average of 15%.

An October 2019 
power ministry report 
said revenue losses fell, 
but only to about 18% 
( first quarter of 2019 ).

“India’s electrical 
system is in 
urgent need 
of an overhaul. 

India experiences 
frequent losses 
and outages, 
and modernizing 
the power grid 
should be a key 
priority of the 
Modi administration,”  
said Liam Hunt, 
a market analyst at

“Sweeping energy reforms 
are needed to improve 
operational efficiency 
and connect the estimated 
240 million Indians 
living without electricity.”

Liam Hunt said: 
“Currently, there are 
no shared standards 
for open market energy 
trading between 
India’s 29 states. 

The retail prices of energy 
vary from state to state, 
which puts additional stress 
on utilities. ... 
the administration 
should strongly consider 
opening the federal market 
to retail competition and 
leveraging tariff reforms 
to align electricity costs 
with market prices.”

The plan to upgrade 
power infrastructure 
could include the 
installation of about 
250 million prepaid 
smart meters, 
designed to help 
boost revenue 

India also is looking 
to add better electricity 
monitoring and control 
networks, or SCADA
—supervisory control 
and data acquisition 
systems—to separate 
grids between rural 
and urban areas. 

Part of the plan 
includes replacing 
existing overhead 
power lines with 
wires in an effort 
to prevent electricity 

Government reports 
say power distributors 
lose about 20% 
of potential revenue 
because of 
power leakage 
from inefficient 
and poor billing and 
collection methods. 

The India One 
solar power plant 
came online in 2017. 

The 1-MW plant, 
a demonstration 
project in 
Abu Road, 
a storage 
a night-time 
power supply. 

It utilizes
a parabolic 
dish design, 
with 770 dishes 
across 25 acres, 
and powers the 
Brahma Kumaris 
campus at Mount Abu:

The International Renewable 
Energy Agency last year 
issued a report that said 
India has the lowest costs 
for installed utility-scale 
solar in the world. 

Vedanta Chairman 
Anil Agarwal said 
the company plans 
increased investment
in clean energy 
resources, and 
aims to significantly 
expand its existing 
portfolio of 300 MW 
of wind and solar 
energy capacity 
by participating in
new projects offered 
by the government. 

“From 300 MW, 
our first goal 
is 1,000 MW. 

When we get there 
depends on 
government  tenders. 

We are looking at 
a couple of years, 
or three years,” 
Agarwal told 
The Economic Times.

Generation from 
renewable resources 
is rising, and the 
government’s plan 
for installed renewable 
generation capacity 
( including hydropower ) 
expected to be 39% 
of the nation’s energy mix 
by 2025, up from 23% today.

Coal is not going away !

Prime  Minister Modi 
recently said he 
did not favor 
a carbon tax 
( the government 
currently taxes 
coal production 
and imports 
at 400 rupees
   ( $5.61 ) 
per metric ton ). 

In September 2019,
the state-run utility 
NTPC commissioned 
the country’s first 
          ( USC ) 
coal-fired unit at the 
1,320-MW Khargone 
plant in the state 
of Madhya Pradesh.

Plans also include 
attracting more 
investment in 
coal mines, with 
planned auctions 
pf coal blocks for 
commercial mining. 

The country’s coal 
ministry said it has 
identified as many 
as 40 coal blocks 
with an estimated 
production capacity 
of 150 million tons 
annually that could 
be included 
in the auctions. 

The ministry said 
the blocks already 
have been partly explored, 
and could begin production 
within the next five years. 

The Indian government 
has amended the country’s 
mining laws to encourage 
private investment 
in the coal mining sector.