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Saturday, February 15, 2020

The EU's "Green Deal" plan to eliminate fossil fuels by 2030 has been approved

The EU Green Deal 
will be the biggest shift 
in European energy 
policy ever!

That's the goal.

Climate change
is complex, and
mainly questions
with no answers.

“For every complex problem 
there is an answer that is 
clear, simple, and wrong.”
      H. L. Mencken 

Climate science
is far from settled.

Adding CO2 to the air
has been good news
so far -- so there is 
absolutely no reason 
to believe it would
suddenly become. 
bad news.

There is no simple
"CO2 control knob"
for the future global
average temperature,
although climate 
alarmists make
that false claim.

Even if there was
a CO2 control knob,
the growth of 
CO2 emissions
from Asia would be
most important,
by far.

Not EU and USA 
CO2 emissions !

Fossil fuels are 
the cheap, 
and consistent
sources of energy 
that have been 
the foundation 
of economic growth 
for over a century.

The processes 
have been improved 
so there is little pollution 
from burning fossil fuels
when using modern 
pollution controls.

Burning fossil fuels
(oil, natural gas & coal)
recycles carbon that 
had been sequestered
underground, and puts
"old CO2" back into 
the atmosphere.

Most of the plants
humans and animals
eat, evolved in 
a climate with about 
1,000 ppm CO2,
compared with only
415 ppm today.

Plants want more CO2 
-- that's why most
greenhouse owners
add CO2 to the air inside 
their greenhouses.

Plants grow faster,
larger, and require less
water -- with few
exceptions -- 
from CO2

Thousands of 
scientific studies
are the proof.

Not to mention the
greenhouse owners.

Our planet has too little
CO2 in the air to support 
the maximum amount of life.

We are CO2-starved. 

Of course there are 
also negative effects
from adding CO2 
to the atmosphere:

Two cycle 
gasoline engines 
pollute too much.

Burning soft coal
or wood for heating 
causes too much 

Burning wood
for cooking causes
indoor pollution 
that harms health.

Most Chinese and 
Indian cities have
far too much
air pollution.

That air pollution
is real pollution, 
and it needs 
a large reduction.

Real pollution 
is NOT CO2.

CO2 is 
the staff 
of life 
for our 

More CO2 = more life

No CO2 = no life.

Fossil fuels are an 
imperfect source
of energy, compared 
with no pollution, 
and much safer, 
nuclear power.

Nuclear power 
used for electricity
is the obvious solution 
to reduce air pollution.

Nuclear power 
is even good news
for the anti-science
"losers" who believe
adding CO2 to the air
is bad news for 
our planet !

Nuclear power
has worked well 
in France, for most
of their electricity,
for many decades.

But never mind 
a proven source 
of clean, consistent 

The European Union 
government bureaucrats
think they know better.

They have approved 
an "EU Green Deal".

The U.S. 
Green New 
Deal is 
in a decade,
and mainly
a Communist 
style "Manifesto".

Most of the wants 
are social and 
welfare programs, 
completely unrelated 
to CO2 emissions,
and they account 
for most of the 
very high, but 
hard to estimate, 

The EU Green Deal 
aims or net-zero 
CO2 in 30 years,
rather than 10,
which might be 
feasible for 
but not likely
to be feasible 
for transportation
( planes, trains, ships 
and automobiles )

It has been 
by the 

The EU Green Deal 
begins with the 
European Commission 
modifying every 
EU law and regulation
to align with the new
climate objectives,
due March 2021.

The EU’s 
Green Deal 
aims to 
“at least double 
or even triple” 
the renovation 
rate of buildings. 

The EU wants 
"carbon tariffs"
for nations 
that refuse
to reduce their 
greenhouse gas 
emissions at a 
comparable rate
to Europe.

They want public-private 
partnerships to support 
research and innovation 
in technologies that lead to 
low-carbon steel generation, 
green batteries, and 
better nutrient 
by farmers.

A common word 
that's used in the 
commission’s plan 
is “promotion”,
which I see as 
a propaganda term
for  "coercion".

Officials want to "promote":
  alternative sustainable fuels

  electric vehicle use
   agricultural products

   reduction in air travel 

   more rail and water 
    transportation of freight. 

How much will this cost? 

No one knows !

The greatest cost 
might be slower
EU economic 
which was
already slow
EU Green Deal !