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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Britons angry about the 2021 ban of coal and "wet wood" burning in homes

My first article 
on the subject

Now the feedback 
is coming in, and it's
almost all negative !

UK Environment Secretary 
George Eustice announced 
that sales of house coal 
and "wet wood" will be 
phased out in England 
in 2021. 

Kiln-dried wood 
costs 100% more 
than air dried wood,
( aka "wet wood" )
and manufactured 
solid fuels 
( charcoal briquettes ) 
cost about 20% more
than coal.

The new rule 
estimated to affect 
2.5 million homes
in 2021.

Mr. Eustice said 
the burning of coal 
and air dried wood
as fuels in homes
has become the 
“most harmful 
across the UK. 

Britons are angry, 
call the plan 
and many 
are wondering 
how the ban 
will be policed.

Typical on-line comments
from the 
Facebook page, where 
hundreds of readers 
condemned the new rule:

Joe-Isabella McGarry 
insisted that he would 
continue burning coal 
and logs, wrote: 
“What a load of rubbish, 
I have both coal fires 
and log burners and 
won’t be giving them up 
no matter what regulations 
they might to bring in.”

Another complaint: 
“So, so sick of this 
authoritarian greenist 
and nanny state rubbish."

Wendy Mussell complained: 
“So what happens if this is 
people’s only way of heating 
their home’s, this is absolutely 
ridiculous, taking away 
people’s right’s of how 
they want to live, anyway 
mankind only contribute 
five percent of pollution 
in the world, the rest 
is natural to the earth.”

Richard Duggan questioned 
how the new rules would be 
policed, writing: 
“Well who will monitor this? 
Someone going to get paid 
stupid money to drive about 
looking at chimneys?”