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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Canada -- Teck Frontier $20 billion oil sands mine project abandoned after over a decade of an arbitrary regulatory maze

42 Nobel prize winners,
including Canada’s 
Alice Munro, 
signed a letter
published in Britain’s 
Guardian newspaper, 
urging Justin Trudeau 
not to approve the 
Teck Frontier 
oil sands mine.

Signatories included 
many non-scientists,
such as Ms. Munro, 
but also included 
many chemists, 
physicists and others 
whose expertise 
is relevant to climate.

After over a decade 
trying to get approval, 
Teck abruptly cancelled 
the project.

Teck’s President and CEO 
Don Lindsay wrote to the 
Minister of Climate Change that 
We are disappointed 
to have arrived at this point
... As a proudly Canadian 
company for over 100 years” 
“The promise of Canada’s 
potential will not be realized 
until governments 
can reach agreement 
around how climate policy 
will be addressed 
in the context of future 
responsible energy 
sector development. 

Without clarity 
on this critical question, 
the situation that has 
faced Frontier will be faced 
by future projects 
and it will be very difficult 
to attract future investment, 
either domestic or foreign.” 

The government response 
to Teck’s announcement 
merely praises the company 
for sharing the government’s 
vision: We agree with Teck 
and leading industry groups 
that all orders of government 
need a real plan 
for climate action now 
and to reach a net zero 
( CO2) economy by 2050.” 

Canada’s oil sands,
called “tar sands” 
by opponents, 
involve digging up 
the world’s largest, 
and natural, oil spill 
and cleaning 
the heavy oil 
out of the sand.

Even many 
do not like the current 
Canadian approval 

Many people 
in private business, 
decided long ago that 
it was very bad 
public relations 
to argue the science 
of climate change. 

They will bullied to agree 
that fossil fuels 
are destroying the Earth.

But those who 
don’t believe the
climate alarmist claims 
must speak up now, 
or huge projects 
like this one 
will be cancelled.

This blog is 
my contribution 
to the science 
of climate change.

That's why 
this blog 
deals with 
the present 
and past climate
 -- not 
computer game 
wild guesses 
of the future, 
predicting double 
to triple the warming
that actually happens.

And not fake 
climate studies,
that ignore the past
325 years of mild, 
good news global 
warming, since 
the 1690s, to claim 
future global warming 
MUST be completely
different -- 
very bad news,
not good news
( because they say so ? ) 

We've been 
adding CO2 
to the atmosphere 
for over 100 years
 -- so where is
the bad news?

It's in the overactive 
imaginations of the 
always angry and 
fearful leftists !