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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Climate alarmists blame climate change for the COVID-19 coronavirus !

Executive Secretary 
of the UN Framework 
Convention on Climate Change, 
Christiana Figueres, was 
Foreign Policy Magazine’s 
“2015 Global Thinker”.

She said:
“The question is: 
Is the reduction 
in emissions 
enough to mitigate 
climate change, and the 
environmental dangers 
that come with it ? 

According to experts, 
the answer is no.” 

“this is certainly 
not the last time 
that we’re going to have 
these kinds of disease 
eruptions if we continue 
to deny, delude and delay 
on climate change. 

We will actually have 
a much broader 
range of diseases 
that already exist now 
and we will have 
new diseases 
that erupt”. 

That's the usual 
climate alarmist 
junk science, 
linking mild
global warming 
with diseases, 
with no proof of 
any relationship !

How about 
past diseases
NOT associated 
with a warmer 

-- The "Black Death" 
struck Europe just as 
colder weather 
caused crop failures 
in the 14th century. 

-- The Plague of Justinian 
was during the 
colder Dark Ages,
that followed the 
Roman Warm Period. 

-- The Spanish Flu 
hit early in the 20th century, 
long before long anyone
talked about global warming.

Ed Conway’s 
revealing piece
in The 
Sunday Times
made some 
bizarre claims:
“Don’t take this 
the wrong way 
but if you were 
a young, hardline 
environmentalist ,
looking for 
the ultimate weapon 
against climate change, 
you could hardly design 
anything better 
than coronavirus. 

Unlike most other 
such diseases, 
it kills mostly the old 
who, let’s face it, 
are more likely to be 
climate skeptics. 

It spares the young. 

Most of all, 
it stymies the forces 
that have been 
greenhouse gases 
for decades.”

Conway says: 
“Hardcore climate activists 
have long railed against 
economic growth, 
and in the
months ahead, 
they may have 
their wish granted, 
as GDP growth 
from China 
to Europe 
and the US, 
is hammered 
by coronavirus. 

Yet this would be 
no normal 
economic slump. 

It’s not as if 
most companies 
have become 

... And since this is 
no normal 
economic crisis 
it’s not clear that any 
of the normal remedies, 
like cuts in interest rates, 
or taxes, will help.” 

When traveling 
and mingling 
is a risk, 
working remotely 
could become 
the norm,
rather than 
an aberration. 

That this will 
all help to diminish 
carbon emissions 
is an added bonus."