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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Democrats propose a U.S. fracking ban -- will that ever happen ?

Fracking has become 
an easy target for 
leftist candidates.

“Any proposal to avert 
the climate crisis 
must include a full 
fracking ban on 
public and private lands,” 
Bernie Sanders tweeted
 last September. 

Is it feasible to ban fracking ? 

Fracking is actually
hydraulic fracturing.

It's a drilling process 
that involves injecting 
a high-pressure mixture 
containing water, sand, 
and chemicals 
into shale rock, 
which fractures 
the rock, releasing
oil and gas
trapped inside. 

The process 
often involves 
horizontal drilling.

In the United States,
fracking increased
the amount of oil 
and gas produced
“faster than at 
any time in its history,” 
according to the EIA.

Fracking brought down 
energy prices so much,
the U.S. shale oil industry
has never been profitable.

Fracking lowered U.S.
CO2 emissions by 
cheap natural gas 
displacing the use of
carbon-intensive coal.

95% of all 
wells drilled 
in the US 
are fracked.

One argument 
against fracking
is that the process 
of fracturing the earth 
to release tight oil 
causes earthquakes. 

Another argument 
is that injecting 
into the earth 
pollutes nearby 

an important 
swing state, 
benefits from fracking 
( and coal mining too ).

For New Mexico, 
a study from the 
US Chamber of 
Commerce’s Global 
Energy Institute 
found that
a fracking ban
could cost 
the state nearly 
16% of its workforce.

Banning fracking 
would require 
an act of Congress. 

A president, 
without Congress, 
could ban fracking 
on federal lands.

Fracking regulations 
on federal lands 
have been proposed 
in the past but were 
consequently ruled 
unlawful, because
States regulate 