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Saturday, March 7, 2020

How to lie about sea level rise

Start with tide 
gauge records.

The example below, 
is from a tide gauge 
mounted on 
solid bedrock,
on the southern tip 
of Manhattan:

tide gauge 
sea level 
data go
back to
the 1850s.

There's no
of sea level rise 
since then, 
that could be 
blamed on 
global warming.

Global warming 
after 1975 seems 
to have had 
no effect on the  
170+ year, gradually 
rising sea level trend.

If you are a 
climate alarmist, 
that reality is
disappointing !

You need some 
science fraud 
to support your 
60+ years of 
climate change 
scaremongering !

So you cherry pick 
a start point -- a year 
with below average 
sea level rise.

1980 works.

Ignore the 130 
years of data, 
from 1850 
to 1980 !

And then 
sea level rise 
by using only 
40 years of data, 
and a 
cherry picked 
starting year, 
as shown in 
the chart below: