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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Naomi Seibt -- the anti-Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg
has been doing 
exactly what 
Al "the climate 
blimp" Gore 
did in the 1990s 
-- exaggerating 
the most radical 
climate change 
at the time.

On a very 
cold Michigan
day last month, 
I discovered 
Dana Perino
had her own 
TV show 
on Fox News.

And a guest that 
one day I watched,
was Naomi Seibt,
a bright teenager,
with very unusual
thinking about 
climate science ! 

I was impressed 
by Ms. Seibt's 
command of English.

It’s refreshing 
to watch a young
person who is 
not scared 
into leftism 
by the usual 
leftist character 
attacks, and 
other bullying.

I hope Naomi 
can make
a difference,
offsetting the 
mindless climate
by Greta Thunberg.

But I was not  
impressed by 
Naomi's ability 
to communicate
climate science.

Ms. Perino 
gave her 
what initially 
sounded like 
a dingbat question,
sometrhing like:
 ( "Do you believe 
in climate change? )

That question
was actually 
an opportunity 
to make a few 
broad, simple 
statements about 
climate science, 
presented in 
simple language, 
with many pauses 
to let the thoughts 
sink in.

Ms. Seibt
started talking, 
without pauses, 
and after a while 
I wondered if 
she had an 
"off switch".

Naomi is obviously 
intelligent, but also 
a blabbermouth !

She was given 
plenty of time 
to talk by Perino
( Naomi would have 
been repeatedly 
interrupted by 
any liberal host,
in my opinion, 
assuming she was
ever given a chance 
to talk on such a show 
-- not likely to happen. )

I later thought about 
what Ms. Seibt 
could have 
said as her
'"answer" to:
 "Do you believe 
in climate change":

My recommendations:

Our planet is always 
getting warmer, or cooler.

Getting warmer is 
much more pleasant 
than getting cooler.

Most of the 
past warming 
has been in the
colder areas 
of our planet -- 
not the tropics.

The temperature 
change over an hour, 
every morning, 
is usually larger than 
all the global warming 
in the past 135 years.

Computer games 
have predicted 
double to triple 
the mild, pleasant 
global warming that 
actually happened.

The past climate 
predictions were 
100% wrong, 
so there's no 
logical reason 
to trust any new
computer gane
predictions !

Climate PhD's vs.
Climate Change
Common Sense
The three main points
that almost all the
climate change skeptics
miss, especially those
with PhDs, who can't 
seem to concentrate
on anything 
but numbers:

Mild Warming 
 of Cold Places:
Past mild warming, 
was mainly at 
high latitudes,
mainly during
the six coldest 
months of the year, 
and mainly at night.

This was good news, 
so why would anyone
fear more of this ?

Consistently Wrong 
Climate Predictions:
Predictions of the future
climate were 100% wrong
for the past 60+ years, 
so it's not logical to base 
government policies
on wild guess climate 
predictions !

No Climate Change Victims:
We've had 45 years of global 
warming -- please provide 
a list of "victims" who have 
suffered from the mild warming.
    ( Note: There are none ! )