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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Wind and solar energy “choke points” -- the great renewables delusion !

Intermittent sources 
of energy experience 
“choke points” when 
the sun isn’t shining 
(all night) and the wind  
is scarcely blowing. 

Records available 
on the Australian Energy 
Marketing Operator website 
show that the wind 
across SE Australia 
dies several times a month. 

The chart below shows 
how much of the installed 
or “plated capacity” 
of the wind farms 
was actually generated 
from hour to hour,
in January 2020. 

The SE Australia 
"choke point" 
became an issue 
after several back-up 
coal-fired power stations 
closed, most recently 
Hazelwood in Victoria. 

AEMO warned that 
when demand peaked 
in high summer, that
area of Australia
would be “running 
on the rims” 
with no spare.  

In January 2019
( Australia summer ), 
some coal-fired capacity 
went off line in NSW, 
and parts of Melbourne 
blacked out.

The blackouts showed  
coal or natural gas 
back-up capacity 
is mandatory for 
the choke points 
when wind and solar 
fail to deliver electricity.

The great expectation 
for renewable energy 
is that the peaks and 
troughs of supply 
will be evened out 
by batteries and 
pumped hydro 
to store power 
when the sun 
is shining and 
the wind is blowing.

The Chief Scientist 
of Australia repeated 
a warning 
from Bill Gates
and everyone 
who understands 
the difference 
storing data 
storing power. 

Moore’s law 
in computing 
states that 
storage capacity 
will double 
every few years,
but that 
is not happening 
with battery storage
of electric power, 
for very good 
scientific reasons.

The Elon Musk battery 
in South Australia 
cost $60 million.

It is connected 
to one wind farm, 
and will maintain 
a flow of power
from that facility 
for about 20 minutes, 
in the absence of wind. 

That translates into
enough power to sustain 
the entire state for only
three or four minutes. 

Installed solar and wind 
capacity is expanding, 
but the critical number 
is the choke point (s) 
that kills the electric grid, 
not the average amount 
of electricity generated 
over a year.

At the very 
lowest levels 
of wind, 
the wind farms’ 
total contribution 
is near zero, 
regardless of the 
installed wind farm 
maximum capacity.

There is no way
that wind and
solar power 
can replace coal,
natural gas and
nuclear power.