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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Yubi et al. (2019) -- Elevated CO2 and Temperature Improve Potato Growth

Yubi, Y., Jun,
L., Haiyang, N. 
and Xiuyun, Z. 


influence of 
elevated CO2 
and high temperature 
on potato biomass 
accumulation and 

Open Chemistry 17: 728-737.

Chinese scientists 
Yubi et al. (2019) 
examined the 
interactive effects 
of elevated CO2 
and temperature 
on various growth 
and biomass 
of potato 
(Solanum tuberosum), 
the fourth major 
global food crop.

Potato yields 
will increase 
in the future 
due to 
elevated CO2, 
elevated temperature 
or a combination 
of the two  factors. 

The results showed that 
"the accumulation 
of dry weight 
of potato stem and 
aboveground biomass 
under the combined
treatment of elevated CO2 
concentration and 
high temperature 
was significantly higher 
than that of the control group 
by 35.8%-53.4% and 
significantly higher than 
that of the warming 
treatment group 
by 24.4%-34.4%." 

Below ground 
tuber growth at the 
mature stage 
also benefitted 
from elevated CO2 
and warming; 
it was 24.1% higher 
than the warming 
treatment alone and 
3.4% higher than the 
control treatment of 
ambient CO2 and 
ambient temperature.

Their work 
was conducted at 
the Lanzhou Institute 
of Arid Meteorology, 
China Meteorological 
Lanzhou, China, 
in 2016 and 2017. 

Potato plants 
(cv. New Daping) 
were grown in 
open-top chambers 
under ambient CO2
        ( 370 ppm ) 
or elevated CO2
       ( 650 ppm ) 
with the extra CO2 
being supplied 
during daylight hours 
( 0700-1900 hours ). 

Air temperatures 
were maintained 
at either ambient 
or ambient +2°C.