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Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Wuhan, China 
COVID-19 data 
are not reliable. 

Even if we could
trust the Chinese 
government statistics, 
infection rates are hard 
to determine accurately. 

About 80% of those tested 
are asymptomatic, or have
what feels like a cold.

That's why the disease
spreads so easily.

About 15% have common 
flu symptoms, and some
of them need to be
in a hospital.

About 5% have very 
serious flu symptoms, 
and should be in a hospital 
-- about one of every five 
of them will die.

the risk can lead to 
wrong responses. 

The 1976 
Swine Flu epidemic 
in the US resulted in the 
rushed development 
of a vaccine that was 
far worse than the disease, 
causing many cases of 
Gullain-Barré Syndrome,
an immune system disorder. 

For COVID-19, 
the government 
policy response 
of shutting down 
borders and 
‘social distancing’ 
will "flatten the curve"
of infections, allowing 
hospitals to better cope
with the volume of
people who need
their help.

But throwing millions 
of employees out of work
is a very bad side effect.

Social scientists 
are concerned 
about financially 
and mentally 
vulnerable people,
such as lonely people 
who have become 
much lonelier with 
the lockdowns.

The virus started 
in Wuhan, China.

Doctors were 
arrested after 
an alarm.

Statisticians and 
quickly noted 
the data were 
very likely 
to have been
made up.

Textile towns
of northern Italy,
produce goods 
"Made in Italy.

That often means Chinese 
workers in Chinese-owned 
mills, located in Italy !

Northern Italy has a huge 
Chinese immigrant population, 
many of whom travel to 
and from Wuhan. 

Italy has direct flights 
to Wuhan, China.

Many returned to China 
to celebrate the 
Chinese New Year 
from January 25 to 
February 8, 2020.

When they returned,
the migrants 
were NOT tested 
in Italian airports and 
their movement 
was NOT restricted 
in any way. 

Italian Prime Minister Conte 
suggested stronger actions, 
which leftists attacked 
as "fascist". 

When the public displayed 
hostility to Chinese migrants 
in February 2020, the Mayor 
of Florence launched a 
‘Hug a Chinese’ campaign.

The COVID-19 effect on 
Northern Italy has been 
alarming, but perhaps 
the data are faulty.

Many varying infection 
and mortality rates 
between countries 
are probably caused 
by different ways 
of collecting

Former Israeli 
Health Minister, 
Professor Yoram Lass 
has pointed out that Italy 
has more than three times 
the morbidity from 
respiratory diseases 
than any other 
European country. 

Italian Professor 
Walter Riccardi 
has estimated 
that only 12% 
of death certificates 
in Italy have shown 
a direct causality 
from COVID-19.

Italian data show that only 
1% of those dying have
no other ailments, 
and almost 50% have 
three or more. 

In fact, data show 
the overall deaths 
for Italians 65+
have been lower 
than usual this winter.

Riccardi’s point is that 
most Italians have died 
with COVID-19, not 
because of COVID-19.