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Thursday, April 9, 2020

German Scientists Discover Bacteria That Eats Hard-to-Recycle Polyurethane Products

Polyurethane is used 
in many products:
  Construction materials, 
footwear, refrigerator 
components and 
skateboard wheels, 
for several examples. 

The polymer is lightweight, 
an insulator, and flexible.

But recycling it is 
so most polyurethane 
(PU) ends up in landfills.

In the landfill, 
PU can release 
a variety of toxins, 
some of them 
believed to be 

Most prior studies 
investigated the ability 
of bacteria and fungi 
strains to break down 
oil-based plastics.

Few studies 
ever looked at 

Scientists surveyed 
bacteria communities 
living among plastic waste.

They identified 
Pseudomonas sp. TDA1. 

The bacteria targeted 
the chemical bonds 
that form polyurethane 
plastics -- they "ate" 

Those bacteria were 
also part of a family 
of bacteria known for 
their ability to withstand 

"That trait is also named 
and is one form of 
said co-author 
Christian Eberlein, 
scientist at the 
Helmholtz Center 
for Environmental 

Scientists hope further 
genomic investigations 
will reveal the extracellular 
enzymes, or exoenzymes.

Exoenzymes are what 
the bacteria use to trigger
a compound-degrading 
biochemical reaction.

hope to engineer 
similar bacteria that 
more efficiently degrade 
polyurethane compounds.

Researchers detailed their 
discovery recently 
in the journal Frontiers 
in Microbiology.

"The bacteria can use 
these (PU) compounds 
as a sole source of carbon, 
nitrogen and energy," 
said study co-author 
Hermann J. Heipieper, 
senior scientist at the 
Helmholtz Center
for Environmental 
 in Leipzig, Germany 
and co-author 
of the new paper, 
said in a press release. 

"This finding represents 
an important step 
in being able to reuse 
PU products."