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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quotes from real scientists on real science

Quotes on 
real science,
from real 

“If a theory disagrees 
with (an) experiment 
(or data), it’s wrong … 

That simple statement 
is the key to science. 

It doesn’t make any difference 
how beautiful your guess is, 
it doesn’t matter how smart 
you are, or what your name is

… If [your hypothesis] disagrees 
with experiment, it’s wrong.”

     Richard Feynman.
        Nobel Laureate 


“A model or a hypothesis 
cannot ‘prove’ anything. 

But data can invalidate 
a hypothesis or model. 

It takes only 
one experiment 
to prove me wrong.”

  Albert Einstein


you hear the 
consensus of 
scientists agrees 
on something or other, 
reach for your wallet, 
because you’re 
being had. 

Let’s be clear: 
the work of science 
has nothing whatever 
to do with consensus. 

Consensus is 
the business 
of politics. 

In science, 
is irrelevant. 

What is relevant is 
reproducible results. 

The greatest scientists 
in history are great 
precisely because 
they broke with 
the consensus.

 (Galileo, Newton, Einstein, etc). 

There is no such thing 
as consensus science.

If it’s consensus, 
it isn’t science. 

If it’s science, 
it isn’t consensus. 


    Patrick Moore, PhD,
ecologist, and co-founder 
of Greenpeace 


"The greenhouse effect 
must play some role. 

But those who are 
absolutely certain 
that the rise 
in temperature 
is due solely to 
carbon dioxide 
have no scientific 

It's pure guesswork."

 Henrik Svensmark, 

Director of the Centre 
for Sun-Climate Research, 
Danish National Space Center, 
quoted in the Copenhagen Post, 
on October 4, 2006  


"The bad news is that 
the climate models 
on which so much effort 
is expended, 
are unreliable, 
because they still use 
fudge-factors rather than 
physics to represent 
important things like 
evaporation. clouds 
and rainfall."

 Freeman Dyson, PhD
  Princeton physicist 


“Future generations 
will wonder in 
bemused amazement 
that the early twenty-first 
century’s developed world 
went into a hysterical panic 
over a globally averaged 
temperature increase 
of a few tenths of a degree, 
and, on the basis of 
gross exaggerations 
of highly uncertain 
computer projections 
combined into implausible 
chains of inference, 
proceeded to contemplate 
a roll-back of the industrial age.”     

     Richard S. Lindzen, PhD 
MIT Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, 
member of the National Academy 
of Sciences, and former lead author, 
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC)


"Why are the opinions 
of scientists sought 
(about global warming) 
regardless of their 
field of expertise? 

Biologists and physicians 
are rarely asked to endorse 
some theory in high energy 

when it comes 
to global warming, 
any scientist's 
opinion will do. 

The answer 
most certainly 
lies in politics."

    Richard Lindzen, PhD, 
From: "Global Warming: 
The Origin of Consensus", 
Environmental Gore, 130


“The proof that CO2 
does not drive climate 
is shown by previous 

The Ordovician-Silurian 
(450 to 420 million years ago) 
and Jurassic-Cretaceous 
(151 to 132 million years ago) 
glaciations occurred when 
the atmospheric CO2 content 
was more than 4,000 
parts per million 
by volume (ppmv) 
and about 2,000 
ppmv respectively. 

The Carboniferous-Permian 
glaciation (360 to 260 million 
years ago) had a CO2 content 
of about 400 ppmv, 
at least 15 ppmv higher 
than the present figure. 

If the popular catastrophist 
view is accepted, then there 
should have been a 
runaway greenhouse 
(warming) when CO2 
was more than 4,000 ppmv. 

Instead there was glaciation. 

Clearly a high atmospheric CO2 
does not drive global warming 
and there is no correlation 
between global temperature 
and atmospheric CO2. 

This has never 
been explained 
by those 
who argue that 
human additions 
of CO2 
to the atmosphere 
will produce 
global warming.”  

    Professor Ian Plimer 
(from page 165 of his book: 
“Heaven and Earth”)
Plimer was a two-time winner 
of Australia’s highest scientific 
honor, the Eureka Prize, 
and a professor in the 
School of Earth and 
Environmental Sciences 
at the University of Adelaide.


“Environmentalism is 
an urban religion 
disconnected from nature, 
or rural life, or the realities 
of food and mineral 

This environmental religion 
is terrified of doubt, 
skepticism and uncertainty,
yet claims to be 
underpinned by science. 

… Like many fundamentalist 
religions, it attracts believers 
by announcing apocalyptic 
calamities unless 
we change our ways.

 … Logic, questioning 
or contrary data 
are not permitted.”    

 Professor Ian Plimer 
(from page 463 and 464 
of his book: “Heaven and Earth”)


"Today we remain locked 
in what is essentially still 
the Pleistocene Ice Age, 
with an average global 
temperature of 14.5 C. 

This compares 
with a low 
of about 12 C. 
during the periods of 
maximum glaciation 
in this Ice Age,
to an average 
of 22 C. during the 
Greenhouse Ages, 
which occurred over 
longer time periods 
prior to the most 
recent ice Age. 

During the 
Greenhouse Ages, 
there was no ice 
on either pole, 
and all the land 
was tropical 
and sub-tropical, 
from pole to pole. 

As recently as 
5 million years ago 
the Canadian Arctic Islands 
were completely forested. 

Today, we live in an 
unusually cold period 
in the history of life
on Earth and there is 
no reason to believe 
that a warmer climate 
would be anything but 
beneficial for humans 
and the majority 
of other species."    
   Patrick Moore, Ph.D.
Statement before the Senate 
Environment and Public Works 
Committee, Subcommittee 
on Oversight  --  February 25, 2014


" ... the United Nations 
Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change says
that humans are responsible 
for most of the warming 
since the mid-20th century, 
that’s 1950, only 67 years ago. 

So they (IPCC) say 
for the first 4.6 billion years
of the earth history, 
the climate was changing 
due to natural factors, 
like solar and Milankovitch 
cycles and ocean currents, 
there are many 
natural factors 
that affect the climate, 
but since 1950, 
67 years ago, 
humans are now 
the dominant force 
in the climate change 
on the earth ?

There is no proof, 
if there was a proof, 
that human CO2 emissions 
were the cause of warming 
in the climate, 
they would write it down 
on a piece of paper, 
so we can read it and see it, 
but they have no such proof. 

All they have is the 
hypothesis based on 
the idea that CO2 
is a greenhouse gas 
like water vapor, 
only water vapor 
is probably a 100 times 
more important than CO2. 

So they just say this, 
they say CO2 
is a greenhouse gas, 
therefore it’s the cause 
of climate warming. 

They have no proof 
whatsoever to back it up. "

   Patrick Moore, PhD, 
From a conversation with 
GrĂ©goire Canlorbe, in Paris, 
December 2017, for the 
climate-realist conference day, 
on behalf of the French 
“Association des 