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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Significant differences between coronavirus hysteria and climate change hysteria

Is the negative 
media coverage 
of COVID-19 
getting too 
negative ?

Well, the 2017 / 2018 
U.S. flu season, 
worse than average,
had about 45,000,000
infections, and 61,000
deaths (CDC data).

Those 61,000 deaths 
seemed to be Ignored 
by the mass media
at the time. 

Is a death from an
ordinary flu strain, 
in 2017 / 2018,
less important 
than a death 
from COVID-19
in 2020 ?

The difference 
between a climate
change panic and 
a COVID-19 panic,
is the virus reality 
the computer game 
climate predictions.

There is a
history of past
viral epidemics, 
plagues, and 

The Plague of Justinian,
in Constantinople, in 541,
is estimated to have killed 
at least 25 million people 
across Asia, North Africa, 
Arabia, and Europe. 

The 14th century 
Black Death 
killed about 
one third of the 
of Eurasia. 

The 1918 / 1919 
Spanish flu 
had up to
50 million 
deaths --
more  than
all the soldiers 
and civilians killed 
during the WW I.

My own mother 
was only
two years old when 
that "Spanish" flu 
killed her mother
-- an event that 
changed her life !

The horrors 
of pandemics 
have been 

But climate alarmists 
are NOT supported by 
any documentation, 
or past climate crises.

Laboratory experiments
suggest only a mild,
harmless warming effect 
from CO2.

Actual global warming 
since the 1690s has 
been mild and pleasant.

Most of the warming 
since then, of at least 
+2 degree C., could not
have been caused by 
CO2 emissions.

Rising CO2 levels,
from 1940 to 1975, 
were accompanied
by mild global 
warming !

Rising CO2 levels, 
from 2003 to mid-2015, 
were accompanied
by a steady global 
average temperature.

A small number
of scientists began 
predicting a global 
warming crisis in the
late 1950's.

Belief in a coming 
climate change crisis 
ramped up a lot 
in the 1980s, and 
some climate
alarmists morphed 
to being hysterical,
starting in 2018.

The bottom line:
After 60+ years of 
bad news climate 
predictions, no bad
news ever shows up !

The coming 
climate crisis
is based on 
computer games,
and computer 
games predict
whatever their
want predicted !

The  COVID-19 
viral epidemic 
is real.

Social distancing 
breaks the chain of 
viral transmission, 
“flattening the curve” 
of the new hospital 
so that doctors 
and nurses can 
better handle 
the case load.

Social distancing 
is based on scientific 
principles, not politics.

Contrast the 
virus debate 
with the climate 
change debate.

The "coming 
climate crisis"
is based mainly
on computer game
"climate models",
that have grossly 
over predicted 
the actual
global warming 
for the past 
40+ years.

COVID-19 also has
computer gamers.

In mid-March 2020,
the model that
President Trump often 
quotes, predicted a lot of 
hospital beds would be 
filled two weeks later
(April 4) with COVID-19 
patients, even WITH all 
the stay at home orders.

Reality, after 
two weeks:
  The prediction
had been for 
quadruple the 
hospital beds 
that were actually 
used for all the 
COVID-19 patients 
on April 4, 2020 !

Questions about the 
always wrong climate
change predictions 
are defended 
by leftists with 
Saul Alinsky-style
ridicule, and many
character attacks.

Contrary opinions 
are silenced.

Government bureaucrat
scientists are defended.

So far, the COVID-19 
and statements
coming from 
the Centers for 
Disease Control, 
( but  NOT from
the World Health 
Organization ), 
have been honest 
about the great 
uncertainties in
our predictions
about COVID-19.

... Unfortunately,
2020 is a U.S. 
presidential election 
year, so there will be 
many political attacks 
on President Trump's 
response to COVID-19 !