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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

This Honest Global Warming Chart Blog does not tolerate dishonest charts of ice loss

Polar ice caps 
have been melting 
since we came out 
of the last glacial period,
about 18,000 to 20,000
year ago. 

Meltwater has been 
included in the 
sea level rise data 
for centuries. 

We’re not seeing 
any acceleration in 
the rate of sea-level rise 
in the longest and best 
tide gauge records 
we have.

and Antarctica 
ice volumes 
are roughly 
thirty million 
cubic kilometres 
in Antarctica 
and a tenth of that, 
three million 
cubic kilometres, 
in Greenland. 

One cubic 
is about 
0.95 gigatonnes 
of ice. 

The net change 
over 25 years is 
about five-thousandths 
of one percent (0.005%) 
of the total Greenland 
ice mass per year.

The chart below 
makes it appear that
Greenland has a lot
of melting, but it is 
very deceptive 
by not showing 
the total ice mass
of Greenland, 
which is far larger
than the mass of
ice that has melted:

Dishonest charts 
have been used by 
climate alarmists 
for their usual false
CO2 scaremongering.

Climate is complicated. 

Honest charts are not.

This Honest 
Global Warming
Chart Blog 
does not tolerate
dishonest charts 
of ice loss.

The chart below
is an 
honest method 
of showing 
the total ice mass
of Antarctica, 
relative to the 
total ice mass: